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  • Properties specific to emailSMTPSession variables
  • Functions that use emailSMTPSession variables
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Procedimientos almacenados
The emailSMTPSession type is used to access a messaging server by using the SMTP protocol (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) in order to send emails. You can define and change the characteristics of the connection using different WLanguage properties.
  • For more details on the declaration of this type of variable and the use of WLanguage properties, see Declaring a variable.
  • In most cases, the SMTP server to use is the SMTP server of Internet provider (and not the one of email account). For example, if you have Internet access via Orange and a Free email account, you must use the SMTP server of Orange (and not the one of Free). To use a different SMTP server, you must use an authenticated SMTP server, that requires a secure connection in most cases.

Properties specific to emailSMTPSession variables

The following properties can be used to handle emailSMTPSession variables:
Property nameType used Effect
AsynchronousBoolean or Integer constant
  • emailAsynchronous (or True) if the emails sent during the session started by EmailStartSMTPSession must be transmitted in asynchronous mode.
  • emailSynchronous (or False) otherwise (default value).
AuthTokenAuthToken variableEmail server access token to be used when if the OAuth 2.0 protocol is used (two-factor authentication). This access token is retrieved by AuthIdentify.
Novedad versión 2024
Integer constantSpecifies the ignored errors. Corresponds to a constant or to a combination of constants:
  • emailSessionIgnoreInvalidCertificate: The certificate is ignored.
  • emailSessionIgnoreInvalidCertificateName: The site name specified in the certificate is ignored.
  • emailSessionIgnoreExpiredCertificate: The certificate date is ignored.
  • emailSessionIgnoreRevocation: The check in the list of revoked certificates is ignored.
Caution: This Property can only be used if the email operation uses the cross-platform implementation (set with the EmailParameter function).. To manage this implementation, use the code:
EmailConfigure(emailParameterMode, 1)
nomCharacter stringUsername to be used for authenticated SMTP sessions.
OptionInteger constantOptions of SMTP connection. The possible values are:
  • emailOptionDefault (default value):
    Start a non-secure SMTP session. In this case, the standard port is 25.
  • emailProtocolSMTPS:
    Start an SMTP session secured by the TLS protocol. In this mode:
    • the initial connection is established without encryption, then a STARTTLS command is sent to start encryption,
    • the standard port is 587.
  • optionTLS:
    Start an SMTP session secured by the TLS protocol. In this case, the standard port is port 465.
PasswordCharacter stringUser password. This password is given by the service provider or by the network administrator. This password is used to start an authenticated SMTP session.
PortentierIdentifies the port used for SMTP (25 by default).
ServerAddressCharacter stringDNS name or IP address of email server (outgoing protocol). This address is supplied by the service provider or by the network administrator.
Caution: You must use the SMTP server of the provider of Internet connection. This SMTP server may have no link with the SMTP server associated with the email account.

Remark: New constant names (version 28 Update 4):
In version 28 Update 4, theses constants were renamed for better code readability. Constant names correspond as follows:
  • emailOptionSecuredTLS is now emailProtocolSMTPS.
  • optionSSL is now optionTLS.
The old constant names:
  • are no longer recognized by syntax highlighting,
  • no longer appear in the code completion suggestions,
  • can still be used without causing a compilation error or unexpected behavior at runtime.

Functions that use emailSMTPSession variables

EmailCloseSessionCierra una sesión de gestión de Email en función del modo seleccionado (SMTP/POP3, IMAP, MS Exchange o Lotus Notes).
EmailSendMessageEnvía un Email utilizando un protocolo determinado (SMTP, MS Exchange, Lotus Notes, Outlook).
EmailStartSessionInicia una sesión de gestión de Email en función del modo de gestión seleccionado (POP3, SMTP, IMAP o MS Exchange).
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 15
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Última modificación: 24/05/2024

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