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Ayuda / Editores / Editor de análisis  / Modelo Lógico de Datos
  • Overview
  • How to?
  • Generation number of an analysis or generation number of an analysis file
  • Generation number of an analysis
  • Generation number of a data file found in the analysis
WindowsLinuxUniversal Windows 10 AppJavaReportes y ConsultasCódigo de Usuario (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Código Navegador
AndroidWidget Android iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac CatalystUniversal Windows 10 App
Procedimientos almacenados
The analysis is generated before the programming cycle and after describing the data files. This generation is used to:
  • validate the changes made on the analysis (LDM).
  • create the modules required for programming.
  • automatically update the data files if necessary.
Each analysis generation is numbered. This number corresponds to the generation number of the analysis. This number is incremented when the analysis is generated only if the description of a data file (or the description of one of its items) was modified. This number is set to 0 if the analysis has not been generated yet.
As long as the analysis (the LDM) has not been generated, the description of the analysis (which means the data files) cannot be used in the project.
Remark: In a WINDEV, WEBDEV or WINDEV Mobile application, the "LDM" and "Analysis" terms are interchangeably used to define the structure of the database associated with a project.
How to?
The generation includes three steps:
  • verification of modifications and generation of data files of the analysis description.
  • automatic modification of accessible data files (files found in the ".REP" file or in the "EXE" directory of the project). For more details on this operation, see Automatic data file modification.
  • synchronizing the project with the modifications performed in to the analysis.
To generate the analysis, on the "Análisis" tab, in the "Análisis" group, expand "Generación" and select "Generation".
Remark: You also have the ability to perform an advanced generation of the analysis: on the "Análisis" tab, in the "Análisis" group, expand "Generación" and select "Advanced generation". This advanced generation is used to define specific parameters:
  • generating a skeleton for a program in external language.
  • displaying the last modifications performed in the analysis.
  • taking into account the advanced modifications performed in the project analysis (in the shared information of the project and/or in the data files of the project for example).
Generation number of an analysis or generation number of an analysis file

Generation number of an analysis

The generation number of the analysis automatically incremented whenever the analysis is generated. For more details, see Managing the generation versions of the analysis.
This number allows you to find out the number of generations performed since the creation of the application.

Generation number of a data file found in the analysis

A generation number is also associated with each data file. This number is incremented when the analysis is generated only if the description of the data file (or the description of one of its items) was modified. This number is set to 0 if the analysis has not been generated yet.
Therefore, the generation number of a data file is less than or equal to the generation number of the analysis.
The generation number of a data file can be:
  • returned by GenerationNumber.
  • viewed from WDMap ("Display .. General information about the file").
When installing the update of an application on the end-user computers, the generation number of the data files indicates whether the automatic modification of data files is required or not.
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 9
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Última modificación: 04/04/2024

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