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Ayuda / WLanguage / Funciones WLanguage / Funciones estándar / Funciones de depuración
  • Operating mode of the runtime log
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Retrieves or modifies the options of the runtime log.
// Find out the options of the runtime log
IF BitwiseAND(dbgLogOption(), LogWLanguageFunctions) = LogWLanguageFunctions THEN
	Trace("Log with functions")
IF BitwiseAND(dbgLogOption(), LogParameters) = LogParameters THEN
	Trace("Log with parameters")
IF BitwiseAND(dbgLogOption(), LogProcessOnly) = LogProcessOnly THEN
	Trace("Log with processes")

Finding out the options of the runtime log Ocultar los detalles

<Result> = dbgLogOption()
<Result>: Integer constant
Options of the runtime log:
LogAllThe runtime log retrieves:
  • the WLanguage functions
  • the parameters of the functions
  • processes
LogParametersThe parameters of the functions are written into the runtime log.
LogProcessOnlyThe runtime log only retrieves information about the processes.
LogWLanguageFunctionsThe WLanguage functions are written into the runtime log.

Modifying the options of the runtime log Ocultar los detalles

dbgLogOption(<Former options> , <New options>)
<Former options>: Integer constant
Options of the runtime log before the modification:
LogAllThe runtime log retrieves:
  • the WLanguage functions
  • the parameters of the functions
  • processes
LogParametersThe parameters of the functions are written into the runtime log.
LogProcessOnlyThe runtime log only retrieves information about the processes.
LogWLanguageFunctionsThe WLanguage functions are written into the runtime log.
<New options>: Integer constant
Options of the runtime log:
LogAllThe runtime log retrieves:
  • the WLanguage functions
  • the parameters of the functions
  • processes
LogParametersThe parameters of the functions are written into the runtime log.
LogProcessOnlyThe runtime log only retrieves information about the processes.
LogWLanguageFunctionsThe WLanguage functions are written into the runtime log.

Operating mode of the runtime log

By default, the execution log is created with all options: listed WLanguage functions and function parameters. These options are used to present the actions in details but the size of the created log will quickly increase.
To limit the size of runtime log (when a log is performed over a long time for instance), you have the ability to ignore these options.
To limit the size of the runtime log, you also have the ability to enable the runtime log for the application section that is causing problem with dbgLogStatus.
Componente: wd300vm.dll
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 12
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Última modificación: 04/10/2024

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