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Stored procedures
ConstantDescriptionUsed by the function
snmpAccessNoneThe OID is not accessible.SNMPOIDAccess
snmpAccessWriteOnlyThe OID is accessible in write-only.SNMPOIDAccess
snmpAccessUnknownError: ErrorInfo returns more information on the error.SNMPOIDAccess
snmpAccessReadWriteThe OID is accessible in read/write.SNMPOIDAccess
snmpAccessReadOnlyThe OID is accessible in read-only.SNMPOIDAccess
snmpStatusDeprecatedThe OID is deprecated: it was replaced by one or more other OIDs but its value is still specified.SNMPOIDStatus
snmpStatusUnknownError: ErrorInfo returns more information on the error.SNMPOIDStatus
snmpStatusMandatoryThe OID is mandatory.SNMPOIDStatus
snmpStatusObsoleteThe OID is obsolete and must not be specified anymore.SNMPOIDStatus
snmpStatusOptionalThe OID is optional.SNMPOIDStatus
snmpTypeIPAddressThe OID contains an IP address.SNMPSet, SNMPGet, SNMPGetNext, SNMPOIDType
snmpTypeBitsThe OID contains bits.SNMPSet, SNMPGet, SNMPGetNext, SNMPOIDType
snmpTypeStringThe OID contains a string.SNMPSet, SNMPGet, SNMPGetNext, SNMPOIDType
snmpTypeCounter32The OID is a counter (signed integer on 32 bits).SNMPSet, SNMPGet, SNMPGetNext, SNMPOIDType
snmpTypeCounter64The OID is a counter (signed integer on 64 bits).SNMPSet, SNMPGet, SNMPGetNext, SNMPOIDType
snmpTypeUnsignedIntegerThe OID contains an unsigned integer.SNMPSet, SNMPGet, SNMPGetNext, SNMPOIDType
snmpTypeIntegerThe OID contains an integer.SNMPSet, SNMPGet, SNMPGetNext, SNMPOIDType
snmpTypeUnknownError: ErrorInfo returns more information on the error.SNMPOIDType
snmpTypeProgressBarThe OID contains a progress bar.SNMPSet, SNMPGet, SNMPGetNext, SNMPOIDType
snmpTypeNullThe OID is not associated with a value (a branch with child elements but without value by itself for example).SNMPSet, SNMPGet, SNMPGetNext, SNMPOIDType
snmpTypeOIDThe OID contains an OID.SNMPSet, SNMPGet, SNMPGetNext, SNMPOIDType
snmpTypeOpaqueThe OID contains a value that cannot be interpreted directly.SNMPSet, SNMPGet, SNMPGetNext, SNMPOIDType
snmpTypeTicksThe OID contains a number of ticks.SNMPSet, SNMPGet, SNMPGetNext, SNMPOIDType
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 11
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Última modificación: 26/05/2022

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