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  • Managing the share mode
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Stored procedures
fMemExist (Function)
In french: fMemExiste
Checks the existence of a shared memory zone.
IF fMemExist("ServiceDialogZone", shareGlobal) = False THEN
Error("Unable to dialog with the service. " + ...
"Check whether the service was started.")
<Result> = fMemExist(<Name of memory area> [, <Share>])
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if the shared memory zone exists,
  • False otherwise.
<Name of memory area>: Character string
Name of the memory area to create or open. This name must be the same in the different applications that access the zone.
The zone is automatically created if it does not exist.
<Share>: Optional Integer constant
Mode for sharing the memory area between the user sessions:
shareGlobalThe zone is shared between all the applications of all the computer sessions.
(Default value)
The zone is shared between all the applications of the user session.

Managing the share mode

The share mode differs according to the versions of the operating systems:
  • Linux, Windows 2000 and earlier: there is a single space for creating the share memory zone, the <Share> parameter is ignored.
  • Windows XP: the <Share> parameter is effective if the service for quick change of user is enabled, otherwise it is ignored.
  • Windows Vista and later: the <Share> parameter is managed. The services and the users are located in a different space. To share a memory area between a service and an application in a user session, the shareGlobal constant must be used.
  • In Terminal Server: the <Share> parameter is managed. Each session opened on the Terminal Server has a different memory space. The applications started in the same TSE session can share a memory area created with the shareUser constant. Several applications located in different sessions can share a memory zone created by the shareGlobal constant.
Component: wd290std.dll
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 15
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Última modificación: 02/10/2023

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