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Ayuda / Desarrollar una aplicación o un sitio web / Controles, ventanas y páginas / Controles: tipos disponibles / Control Planificador
  • Overview
  • Control found in a window, page or report
  • Creating a Scheduler control (window and page editor)
  • Describing a scheduler (window and page editor)
  • The control options (window editor and page editor)
  • Modes for filling a Scheduler control
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Control found in a window, page or report

The Scheduler control is used to automatically display and handle schedules. It is used to manage the display of multiple resources and it is used in several applications or sites.
The display is performed:
  • on a daily, weekly or montly basis,
The time slot, the first day of the week and the number of days to display can be configured. These parameters can be easily defined in the control description window.
Creating a Scheduler control (window and page editor)
To create a Scheduler control:
  1. On the "Creación" tab, in the "Controles gráficos" group, expand "Tiempo" and select "Scheduler".
  2. Click where the control will be created in the window or page.
  3. The control appears in the editor.
Observación: Las dimensiones del control que se creó se optimizan para ocupar el espacio disponible en la ubicación indicada. Si el tamaño del control no es el indicado, pulse Ctrl+Z: el control volverá al tamaño predeterminado.
To view the characteristics of the control, select "Description" in the context menu.
Describing a scheduler (window and page editor)

The control options (window editor and page editor)

The Scheduler control can be customized in the editor, via the description window.
On the "General" tab, you can specify the window or internal page to be used to customize the aspect of appointments. For more details, see Scheduler control: Customize appointments.
The "Details" tab of the Scheduler control contains the following settings:
  • Con botones para cambiar de período Dequeue: This option displays buttons so that the user can dequeue the different periods of the schedule. These buttons are displayed at the top left of schedule.
  • Modo de visualización de los recursos: By default, resources are displayed online.
  • Visualización del tiempo: Allows you to define:
    • the format of the date displayed for the "day" columns (or rows) of the scheduler.
    • whether the time must be displayed or not in the control.
    • the format of the time displayed for the "day" columns (or rows) of scheduler.
    • whether the week number must be displayed or not, as well as its format. In the format, the '%1' string corresponds to the week number. Example format: "Sem. %1".
  • Time range: Allows you to define:
    • Visible time range Time range to be displayed in the.
    • the working time range: Time range for which an appointment can be defined.
  • Appointment: Allows you to specify appointment characteristics:
    • Other parameters:
      • Permitir introducir una cita directamente: Allows the user to directly add an appointment.

    The edit options via the mouse are as follows:
    • Mover. You can allow or prevent users from moving appointments.
    The zone size options are as follows:
      Most of these parameters can be modified programmatically. For more details, see Scheduler control properties.

      Modes for filling a Scheduler control

      Versión mínima requerida
      • Versión 16
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      Última modificación: 29/10/2024

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