OrganizerDeleteAppointment (Example)
This example is used to delete an appointment defined as a recurring task that occurs every day. // Delete a daily recurring task arrApt is array of 0 Appointment gMyAptList is Appointment dtDateFirstOccurrence is DateTime = gMyOrganizer.StartDate dtStartDateTimeSelectedApt is DateTime dtEndDateTimeSelectedApt is DateTime arrApt = OrganizerListAppointment(ORG_MyOrganizer1, orgAptSelected) bIdenticalDate is boolean = False //1: This appointment only //2: All the appointments of the set //3: All the forthcoming appointments //4: Cancel deletion IF gMyOrganizer.WithRepetition = True AND ... gMyOrganizer.Repetition.Type = orgEveryDay THEN SWITCH Dialog("Do you want to delete this appointment only", ... " all the appointment in the series, or this appointment " + ... " all the later appointments of the series?") CASE 1 // Delete all the appointments OrganizerDeleteAppointment(ORG_Organizer1) FOR EACH gMyAptList OF arrApt // Create a recurring task // for the appointments after the selected one dtStartDateTimeSelectedApt = gMyAptList.StartDate IF dtDateFirstOccurrence = ... dtStartDateTimeSelectedApt THEN bIdenticalDate = True END dtStartDateTimeSelectedApt.Day += 1 dtEndDateTimeSelectedApt = gMyAptList.EndDate dtEndDateTimeSelectedApt.Day += 1 gMyAptList.StartDate = dtStartDateTimeSelectedApt gMyAptList.EndDate = dtEndDateTimeSelectedApt OrganizerAddAppointment(ORG_Organizer1, gMyAptList) // If the selected appointment is not // the first day of the recurring task // Create a recurring task // for the appointments before the selected one // Otherwise, no action IF bIdenticalDate = False gMyAptList.StartDate = dtDateFirstOccurrence gMyAptList.EndDate = ... dtDateFirstOccurrence.Date + ... dtEndDateTimeSelectedApt.Time dtStartDateTimeSelectedApt.Day -= 2 gMyAptList.Repetition.EndDate = ... dtStartDateTimeSelectedApt.Date OrganizerAddAppointment(ORG_Organizer1, gMyAptList) END END CASE 2 // This appointment only OrganizerDeleteAppointment(ORG_Organizer1) CASE 3 OrganizerDeleteAppointment(ORG_Organizer1) FOR EACH gMyAptList OF arrApt // Create a recurring task // for the appointments before the selected one // If the selected appointment is equal // to the first day of the recurring task, // it means deleting the recurring appointment entirely dtEndDateTimeSelectedApt = gMyAptList.EndDate dtStartDateTimeSelectedApt = gMyAptList.StartDate IF dtDateFirstOccurrence <> dtStartDateTimeSelectedApt gMyAptList.StartDate = dtDateFirstOccurrence gMyAptList.EndDate = ... dtDateFirstOccurrence.Date + ... dtEndDateTimeSelectedApt.Time dtStartDateTimeSelectedApt.Day -= 1 gMyAptList.Repetition.EndDate = ... dtStartDateTimeSelectedApt.Date OrganizerAddAppointment(ORG_Organizer1, gMyAptList) END END // Cancel deletion CASE 4 END ELSE OrganizerDeleteAppointment(ORG_Organizer1) END
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