- Characteristics of added dynamic row
- Error case
Adds a new dynamic row into a Multiline Zone control. This row is added at the end of the zone of the dynamic rows. The dynamic row was previously defined in edit ("Definir como fila repetida del control" checked in the "General" tab of the control description window).
nLigne is int
nLigne = mlzAddLine(ZM_Réseau)
ZM_Réseau[nLigne].LIB_NomReseau = "Réseau"
ZM_Réseau[nLigne].IMG_Disponible.Visible = True
<Result> = mlzAddLine(<Multiline Zone control>)
<Result>: Integer Index of added row. <Multiline Zone control>: Control name Name of the Multiline Zone control to be used. Observaciones Characteristics of added dynamic row - The added dynamic row is empty by default.
- To customize the row (caption, color, visibility of elements, etc.), the controls must be modified by the following syntax:
<Champ Zone multiligne>[<Indice>].<Nom du champ>.<Propriété> = <Valeur> For example:
nLigne is int = zmlAjouteLigne(ZM_Produits)
ZM_Produits[nLigne].LIB_NomProdLigne = stLigne.sLibProd
ZM_Produits[nLigne].LIB_NomProdLigne.Couleur = LightBlue
ZM_Produits[nLigne].SAI_QteLigne = stLigne.nQuantite
- The added row is not selected by default. To select the added row, the value of the row index must be assigned to the Multiline Zone control.
For example:
nLigne is int = zmlAjouteLigne(ZM_Produits)
ZM_Produits = nLigne
ornLigne is int = zmlAjouteLigne(ZM_Produits)
ZM_Produits.Valeur = nLigne
- When adding the dynamic row, the initialization events of the controls in the row are run.
- Multiline Zone control is resized to take account of the added line: the field is enlarged at the bottom.. If controls are located below the Multiline Zone control, they are moved to the bottom. The useful height of the window is enlarged accordingly: you can scroll the window with your finger to see the bottom of the Multiline Zone control and any fields below it..
Error case An error occurs in the following cases: - no dynamic row is defined in the Multiline Zone control.
- more than 300 dynamic rows are found in the Multiline Zone control
- one of the initialization processes of the row controls triggers an error.
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