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Ayuda / WLanguage / Propiedades WLanguage / Propiedades de ventanas, páginas y controles
  • Static and HTML static
  • Validity of HTML code
  • Limitation
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Procedimientos almacenados
The CaptionHTML property is used to handle the text of a control as HTML code.
LIEN_CGV.LibelléHTML = "Afficher les <strong>conditions générales de vente</strong>"

Retrieving the value of control caption Ocultar los detalles

<Result> = <Control to use>.CaptionHTML
<Result>: Character string
Control caption in HTML format.
<Control to use>: Control name
Name of field to be manipulated: Rich Text Area, Button, ...

Modifying the value of control caption Ocultar los detalles

<Control to use>.CaptionHTML = <New value>
<Control to use>: Control name
Name of field to be manipulated: Rich Text Area, Button, ...
<New value>: Character string
New caption for the control. This value must correspond to a valid HTML code.

Static and HTML static

A field can have either a label or an HTML label: it cannot have both.. Assigning a value to the CaptionHTML property deletes the value of the text assigned with the Caption property and vice versa.
An error occurs if the Caption property is accessed in read-only mode and the text in the control is in HTML. However, reading the CaptionHTML property in a control whose caption has been assigned using the Caption property returns the value of the caption in HTML.
Summary table:
Property assigned in the control: CaptionProperty assigned in field: CaptionHTML
Property read: CaptionReturns the value.Error.
Property read: CaptionHTMLReturns the value encoded in HTML.Returns the value.

Validity of HTML code

No check is performed regarding the validity of HTML code. If an invalid HTML value is assigned in the control, the page may not be displayed properly by the browser. You must pay attention to:
  • The tags (and attributes) not properly closed or invalid for the HTML standard of the page (HTML 4, HTML 5, ...).
  • The encoding of special characters. You can use the TextToHTML function.


This property is available for the following controls:
  • Button control,
  • Link control,
  • Rich Text Area control,
  • Edit control,
  • Check Box control,
  • Radio Button control,
  • List Box control,
  • Formatted display control,
  • Combo Box control,
  • Option of Check Box control,
  • Option of Radio Button control,
  • Menu option.
  • Table column.
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 19
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Última modificación: 21/09/2024

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