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Stored procedures
Creates an "End to Start" link between two tasks displayed in a Gantt Chart column found in a Table (or TreeView Table) control.
// Create the tasks then the link
t1 is GanttTask
t1.ID = "T1"
t2 is GanttTask
t2.ID = "T2"
COL_Gantt.AddLink(t1.ID, t2.ID)
// Other syntax by specifying the type of link
COL_Gantt.AddLink(t1.ID, t2.ID, gltEndToStart)
// Create a link via a GanttLink variable
Link is GanttLink
Link.SourceID = "T1"
Link.DestinationID = "T2"
Link.Type = gltEndToStart

Creating a link between two existing tasks Hide the details

<Gantt column>.GanttAddLink(<Source Task identifier> , <Destination Task identifier> [, <Type of link>])
<Gantt column>: Control name
Name of the Gantt Chart column (in a Table or TreeView Table control) to be used.
<Source Task identifier>: Character string
Identifier of the source task of the link.
<Destination Task identifier>: Character string
Identifier of the target task of the link.
<Type of link>: Integer constant
Type of link to add:
gltEndToEnd"End to End" link: The target task cannot end as long as the source task is not ended.
(default value)
"End to Start" link: The target task cannot start as long as the source task is not ended.
gltStartToEnd"Start to End" link: The target task cannot end as long as the source task is not started (rare case).
gltStartToStart"Start to Start" link: The target task can only start if the source task is started.

Creating a link via a GanttLink variable Hide the details

GanttAddLink(<Gantt column> , <Link>)
<Gantt column>: Control name
Name of the Gantt Chart column (in a Table or TreeView Table control) to be used.
<Link>: GanttLink variable
Name of the GanttLink variable describing the link to create.
  • The function has no effect if the link already exists.
  • If one of the identifiers does not exist, the link is inactive: the link is not displayed and it has no effect.
  • According to their types, the links are drawn on the start or end borders of the tasks.
Related Examples:
The Gantt control Unit examples (WINDEV): The Gantt control
[ + ] Using a Gantt Chart control
WD Gantt Complete examples (WINDEV): WD Gantt
[ + ] The "WD Gantt" example presents an advanced use of the Gantt Chart control.
This example is used to create a Gantt chart with tasks, links, cumulative tasks and milestones.
The tasks can be edited in a specific window.
The created chart can be saved in a file and reloaded thereafter.
Component: wd290mdl.dll
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 26
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Última modificación: 26/06/2023

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