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Ayuda / WLanguage / Funciones WLanguage / Funciones específicas de la Web / Funciones de páginas
  • Characteristics of Cell controls
  • Special cases
WindowsLinuxUniversal Windows 10 AppJavaReportes y ConsultasCódigo de Usuario (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Código Navegador
AndroidWidget Android iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac CatalystUniversal Windows 10 App
Procedimientos almacenados
Displays a Cell control in a page with a DDW effect (Dim Disabled Windows). This function is used to easily simulate a dialog box in browser code, by using a Cell control in a page.
For more details, see Communicating with the Web user.
// Affiche un champ Cellule contenant une question
CELL_Question.AfficheDialogue(cellCenter, True, 50)
<Cell control>.DisplayDialog([<Display position> [, <Take DDW into account> [, <Dimming rate>]]])
<Cell control>: Nombre del control
Name of the Cell control that will be displayed.
<Display position>: Constante opcional de tipo Integer
Display position of cell:
cellBottomLeftThe Cell control is at the bottom left of the visible part of the current page.
cellBottomRightThe Cell control is at the bottom right of the visible part of the current page.
(Default value)
The Cell control is centered in the visible part of the current page.
cellPositionXYThe Cell control remains at its current position.
cellTopLeftThe Cell control is at the top left of the visible part of the current page.
cellTopRightThe Cell control is at the top right of the visible part of the current page.
<Take DDW into account>: Booleano opcional
  • True (default) to display the Cell control with a DDW effect (the page displayed behind the Cell control is grayed)
  • False to disable the DDW effect.
<Dimming rate>: Integro
Rate of gray (included between 0 and 100) used by the DDW.
The maximum value (100) will be used if the specified value is greater than 100.
The DDW is ignored if the specified value is less than 0. The default rate of gray is set to 18%.

Characteristics of Cell controls

  • The Cell control must be stackable ("UI" tab in the Cell control description window).
  • To not display unnecessary scrollbars in the browser, check the option " Forzar posición en la parte superior izquierda de la página al cargarla " ("Advanced" tab of the Cell control description window). This option is used to automatically position the Cell control at position (0,0) when loading the page. Then, the display position defined by <Celda>.DisplayDialog is taken into account.
Remark: To run server code from a Cell control, use AJAXExecute or AJAXExecuteAsynchronous.

Special cases

  • <Celda>.DisplayDialog must be used to display the Cell control:
    • in a "None" button. In this case, only the browser code of the button will be executed.
    • in a "Submit" button and activate AJAX in the code of this button. In this case, the browser and server codes of the button will be executed.
  • The Cell control displayed can be hidden with CellCloseDialog.
  • Browsers do not refresh pages in the middle of JavaScript code: <Celda>.DisplayDialog and CellCloseDialog must be used in different events/processes. If these functions are used in the same event/process, the Cell control is not displayed.
  • It is not possible to display two different Cell controls at the same time using <Celda>.DisplayDialog.
Componente: WDJS.DLL
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 23
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Última modificación: 20/12/2023

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