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Procedimientos almacenados
Triggers the execution of a parallel task.
// Utilisation de la syntaxe 3 
t3bis is Description of ParallelTask
t3bis.Procedure = Procédure3bis
t3bis.Parameter[1] = Today()
t3bis.Parameter[2] = TimeSys()

Ejecución de una tarea paralela identificada por su descripción (Descripción de ParallelTask Variable) Ocultar los detalles

<Result> = ParallelTaskExecute(<Task description>)
<Result>: ParallelTask Variable
ParallelTask variable corresponding to the task run.
<Task description>: Descripción de ParallelTask Variable
Name of the Description of ParallelTask variable that describes the task to be executed.
  • The task is saved in the queue of tasks to run.
  • <Description of ParallelTask>.Execute is not a blocking function and does not wait for task to be completed.
  • Comparison between the different types of copy for the HFSQL context:
    Type of copyBenefitsDrawbacks
    Full copyCopies:
    • the extensive connection parameters (connections, physical paths, ...).
    • the positions, the filters, ... defined on the data files.
    • the queries.
    Memory consumption (on the client and on the server).
    Light copyCopies the extensive connection parameters (connections, physical paths, ...).
    No memory consumption on the server.
    The records and the current filters are not copied. Therefore, the records must be repositioned by HReadSeek for example.
    No copy of queries.
    Memory consumption on the Client computer
    Delayed copyNo memory consumption (on the client and on the server). Risk: If the extended connection parameters are modified, the last modification will be taken into account.
    The records and the current filters are not copied. Therefore, the records must be repositioned by HReadSeek for example.
    No copy of queries.

In most cases, the delayed copy is recommended provided that you don't change the connection parameters and that you perform the necessary calls to HReadSeek.
Componente: wd290vm.dll
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 28
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Última modificación: 13/05/2024

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