Ayuda / WLanguage / Funciones WLanguage / Controles, páginas y ventanas / Funciones de ventanas que pueden ser manipuladas por el usuario final
  • Overview
  • Use example
WindowsLinuxUniversal Windows 10 AppJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac CatalystUniversal Windows 10 App
Stored procedures
End users can directly modify the interface of the application (according to the options specified by the developer).
These modifications are also available when testing a window or project:
  • Creating a repositionable note,
  • Creating a Wire control,
  • Modifying the tooltip of a control,
  • Moving one or more controls, ...
When going back from GO mode, if modifications have been performed on the interface, the window editor proposes to automatically apply these modifications to the window interface.
Use example
To retrieve the modifications performed in project or window GO:
  1. Run the GO of project () or window ().
  2. Select the requested windows.
  3. Modify the UI of the desired windows. For example:
    • Create a Repositionable Note control.
    • Switch to modification mode and:
      • Move the controls,
      • Create a Wire control.
    • Modify the text of the tooltip.
  4. End the test.
  5. When going back to the editor, a specific window is displayed. This window is used to retrieve the UI modifications performed in GO mode.
This window presents, for each modified window, the modifications that can be applied:
  • Modifying the size and position: the size and/or position of one or more controls have been modified.
  • Creating a control: one and/or several controls have been created (Wire control, Note control).
  • Modifying properties: one and/or several control properties have been modified. The tooltip modifications are taken into account in this category.
The "All" and "None" buttons are used to select the modifications that will be applied or not. By expanding the button, you have the ability to select the type of modification to take into account:
Remark: This window is also displayed when importing a "*.wdmodif" file into the editor. This file is generated when exporting the interface modifications ("Customize the interface .. Export the customization of this window" in the context menu of the window). For more details, see UI modifiable by the end user.
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 21
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Última modificación: 14/06/2022

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