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The MaxButtonWidth property is used to get and set the maximum width of a button in a tab pane.
ONG_MonOngletDyn.LargeurMaxBouton = 200

Getting the maximum width of a button in a tab pane. Ocultar los detalles

<Result> = <Tab control>.MaxButtonWidth
<Result>: Integer
  • 0, no limit is defined for the maximum width of a button in a tab pane.
  • Maximum width (in pixels) of a button in a tab pane.
<Tab control>: Control name
Name of the Tab control to be used.

Setting the maximum width of a button in a tab pane. Ocultar los detalles

<Tab control>.MaxButtonWidth = <Width>
<Tab control>: Control name
Name of the Tab control to be used.
<Width>: Integer
  • Maximum width (in pixels) of a button in a tab pane.
  • 0 to specify no limit.
  • The MaxButtonWidth property is used to limit the size of buttons when the Tab Control uses the "Size panes: Proportional to label" option ("Details" tab in the control description window)..
  • Dynamic tabs: Tab labels are calculated automatically. The MaxButtonWidth property allows you to avoid having overly long text and overly large buttons.
  • If the text of buttons exceeds the specified size, the text is displayed with an ellipsis at the end ("...").
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 21
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Última modificación: 21/09/2024

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