Ayuda / WLanguage / Administrar bases de datos / Big Data / Gestión de archivos Mongo
  • Performing a search in a MongoDB database
MongoFind (Example)
Performing a search in a MongoDB database
This example is used to perform a search according to specific criteria.
// Define the search filter
// Find the contacts whose email address ends by "windev.com"
// To do so, filter with a regular expression: @windev\.com$
// The option 'i' is used to specify that the search will not be case sensitive
sFilter is string = [
"Email": {
"$regex": "@windev.com$",
"$options": "i"
// Define the search options
clOption is mongoFindOption
// clOption.Projection: Criterion for presenting documents
// (the controls that will be retrieved for example)
// We want to retrieve the LastName and FirstName items
// therefore an inclusion projection is done
// (specify the items to retrieve)
clOption.Projection = "{ ""LastName"": 1, ""FirstName"": 1 }"
// If we wanted to retrieve all the items EXCEPT for the phone,
// an exclusion projection could be performed:
// clOption.Projection = "{ Phone: 0 }"
// clOption.Limit: Maximum number of documents to return
// Retrieve up to 10 documents
clOption.Limit = 10
// clOption.Sort: Sort criterion of returned documents
clOption.Sort = ""
// clOption.Ignore: Exclusion criterion,
// the documents that match this criterion are ignored
clOption.Ignore = ""
// Starts the search and displays all the documents found in the trace
r is mongoResult dynamic = MongoFind(gclCollection, sFilter, clOption)
// To read all the documents, don't specify any search filter
v2 is Variant = v
TableAddLine(TABLE_Contacts, v2.LastName, v2.FirstName, v2.Phone, v2.Email)
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 22
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Última modificación: 27/05/2022

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