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  • Overview
  • When is the runtime platform taken into account?
  • How to modify the runtime platform?
WindowsLinuxUniversal Windows 10 AppJavaReportes y ConsultasCódigo de Usuario (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Código Navegador
AndroidWidget Android iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac CatalystUniversal Windows 10 App
Procedimientos almacenados
Execution platform
WINDEV Mobile allows you to develop applications for different families of products:
  • Android,
  • iPhone and/or iPad,
  • Universal Windows.
Let's see the details of each platform:
    • Universal Windows 10 App Universal Windows 10 app: For Universal Windows Apps, select the device that will be taken into account to edit the application. You can also indicate the directory of the Windows 10 SDK.
    All these characteristics define the runtime platform.
    When is the runtime platform taken into account?
    The selected runtime platform is taken into account:
    • to create the windows: the selected dimensions will be automatically proposed for the new windows.
    • to generate the application. The generated application corresponds to a specific platform.
    • when starting the application in test mode. The selected platform allows you to use the corresponding simulator.
    How to modify the runtime platform?
    The execution platform can be modified in the project description:
    1. On the "Proyecto" tab, in the "Proyecto" group, click "Descripción".
    2. In the "Project" tab, click "Descripción de la plataforma".
    The selected platform is valid for the entire current project.
    Ver también
    Versión mínima requerida
    • Versión 9
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    Última modificación: 04/04/2024

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