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Stored procedures
Reads a line in an external file, gets sections of this line according to a regular expression and assigns them to a variable.
This function is mainly used to easily analyze the log files.
// Ouverture d'un fichier externe
MonFichierTxt is DiskFile
IF MonFichierTxt.Ouvre("C:\MesRépertoires\AccesData.log", foRead) = True THEN
// Lecture d'une ligne dans ce fichier 
// Format : 20001221  - Achat
sDate is string
sInfo is string
MonFichierTxt.LitLigneExpressionRégulière("([0-8]*) - ([A-Za-z]*)", sDate, sInfo)
<Result> = <File used>.ReadLineRegularExpression(<Format> , <Variable 1> [, <Variable 2> [... [, <Variable N>]]])
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if the data was read and retrieved.
  • False otherwise.
<File used>: DiskFile variable
Name of the DiskFile variable initialized with .Open or Create.
<Format>: Character string
Reference format, expressed as a regular expression. This format uses the following characters:
A B C - / _Letters and symbols to check
[A-Z] or [0-9]Interval of letters, digits or symbols to check
*0 or more symbols to check
+1 or more symbols to check
( )Delimit part of the format to extract
{ }Defines the minimum and maximum number of times that the previous expression can occur (e.g., {min, max})
<Variable 1>: Character string, Integer, etc.
Variables that will be automatically initialized with the different parts of the format to extract. Each part is defined by the '(' and ')' characters.
<Variable 2>: Character string, Integer, etc.
Variables that will be automatically initialized with the different parts of the format to extract. Each part is defined by the '(' and ')' characters.
<Variable N>: Character string, Integer, etc.
Variables that will be automatically initialized with the different parts of the format to extract. Each part is defined by the '(' and ')' characters.
Business / UI classification: Business Logic
Component: wd290std.dll
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 28
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Última modificación: 17/11/2023

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