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Returns the Geometry Receiver corresponding to the union between two Geometry s.
Starting geometries A and B
Starting geometries A and B
Result of union
Result of union
Remark: If the type of the geometries passed as parameters is known, then the type of the result is also pre-determined.. Most geospatial applications don't work with heterogeneous data columns ("Shape" fields allow you to mix points, lines and polygons within the same field), so there's generally no need to check the type of geometry obtained.
oPolygone2D_1 is Polygon2D
Linestring2DAddPoint(oPolygone2D_1.Outline, 2.00, 2.00)
Linestring2DAddPoint(oPolygone2D_1.Outline, 2.00, -2.00)
Linestring2DAddPoint(oPolygone2D_1.Outline, -2.00, -2.00)
Linestring2DAddPoint(oPolygone2D_1.Outline, -2.00, 2.00)
// Ajout du dernier point (identique au premier)
Linestring2DAddPoint(oPolygone2D_1.Outline, 2.00, 2.00)
// Corrige la géométrie créée
oPolygone2D_1 = GeometryCorrect(oPolygone2D_1)

oPolygone2D_2 is Polygon2D
Linestring2DAddPoint(oPolygone2D_2.Outline, 3.00, 1.00)
Linestring2DAddPoint(oPolygone2D_2.Outline, 3.00, -1.00)
Linestring2DAddPoint(oPolygone2D_2.Outline, 1.00, -1.00)
Linestring2DAddPoint(oPolygone2D_2.Outline, 1.00, 1.00)
// Ajout du dernier point (identique au premier)
Linestring2DAddPoint(oPolygone2D_2.Outline, 3.00, 1.00)
// Corrige la géométrie créée
oPolygone2D_2 = GeometryCorrect(oPolygone2D_2)

// On récupère l'union en tant que MultiPolygone2D
// L'union de deux polygones renvoie toujours un MultiPolygone
différence_symétrique is MultiPolygon2D = GeometryUnion(oPolygone2D_1, oPolygone2D_2)
<Result> = GeometryUnion(<Geometry A> , <Geometry B>)
<Result>: Variable type MultiPoint2D, MultiPointGeo, MultiPolyligne2D, MultiLinestringGeo, MultiPolygone2D or MultiPolygonGeo
Union result. This Geometry contains a collection of Geometry s of a given type: MultiPoint, MultiPolyline or MultiPolygon.
  • If the union between two geometries consists of a single element, the collection will contain a single element.
  • If the union is empty (for example, by calculating the union of empty multipolygons), the collection is empty.
  • If the result of the union is disjoint (e.g. the union of two disjoint geometries), the collection contains several elements.
<Geometry A>: Variable Receiver for spatial data
First Geometry taken into account for the union. This Geometry can correspond to one of the following variable types:
<Geometry B>: Variable Receiver for spatial data
Second Geometry taken into account for the union. This Geometry can correspond to one of the following variable types:
Clasificación Lógica de negocio / UI: Lógica de negocio
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 2024
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Última modificación: 15/02/2024

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