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Ayuda / Desarrollar una aplicación o un sitio web / Documentación técnica
  • Overview
  • Technical documentation of the project
  • Type of information to print
  • Content of the technical documentation
  • Cover and preface of the technical documentation
  • Generating the technical documentation
  • Technical documentation of the current element
  • Content of the technical documentation
  • Generating the technical documentation
  • Print area
  • Specifying the print areas
WindowsLinuxJavaReportes y ConsultasCódigo de Usuario (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Código Navegador
AndroidWidget Android iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac Catalyst
Procedimientos almacenados
You can print different technical documentations describing all the elements of the project (windows, page, reports, data files, items, assemblies, Custom-Folders, etc.).
To print this documentation, go to the "Print" tab, "Inicio" group and expand the General icon:
  • the "Print project technical documentation" option opens the corresponding wizard. You can choose the type of information to be printed. The technical documentation can contain all the characteristics of the project and its elements.
  • the "Print" option. In this case, the technical documentation will contain only the details of the current element (window, report, query, Custom-Folder, project, etc.)..
    If the "Print" option is used on a simple element (the code of an element for example), only this element will be printed.
  • If the print format of the technical documentation is to be changed (from A4 to A3), you can adapt the pages of the documentation to the new format. For more details, see Print area.
  • The technical documentation cannot be printed in "Reports & Queries".
  • In previous versions, the technical documentation was referred to as "programming documentation".
  • When printing WLanguage code from the code editor, a dialog box appears and allows you to:
    • select the printer to be used
    • choose the paper orientation.
    • resize printing areas according to the format used by the printer, if necessary.
Technical documentation of the project

Type of information to print

There are different types of technical documentation:
Types of information
  • Basic: Contains basic information about the elements of the project.
  • Code: Contains all processing of all project objects and procedures.
  • Complete: Contains all project information. This type of technical documentation can be very large extensive.
  • Custom: Contains manually selected information.

Content of the technical documentation

The complete technical documentation of the project can contain various parts:
  • Project description (elements found in the project, project code, etc.).
  • Description of internal components of the project.
  • Analysis description (analysis graph, data dictionary, etc.).
  • Description of windows and/or pages (image of windows, list of controls in each window, etc.).
  • Description of window templates or page templates
  • Description of reports (image of reports, list of controls in each report, etc.).
  • Description of report templates.
  • Description of queries (image of queries, corresponding SQL code, etc.).
  • Description of classes (code of classes, etc.).
  • Description of UML models (UML diagram, list of relationships in the diagram, etc.).
  • Description of flexible modeling (diagram, list of applications, list of components, etc.)
  • Description of sets of procedures (code, multilingual messages, Custom-Notes, etc.).
  • Description of automated tests (code, summary of results).
  • Description of business rules (description, attached files, links, etc.).
When printing the overall documentation, only the basic information about the project, windows and or pages, templates and reports is printed.
When printing a custom technical documentation, you can choose the information to print in each part ( "Edit" button).
Information printed in the technical documentation

For example, for queries, you can print:
  • the graphic representation of queries,
  • general details of queries (logical and physical name, type, analysis associated with the queries, etc.),
  • information specific to the result of queries (result items, query parameters, sort criteria, etc.),
  • query details (selection conditions, groups, etc.),
  • the SQL code corresponding to the queries.
  • Custom-Notes.
  • business rules.
Regardless of the type of technical documentation chosen, you can also select the different elements of the project to be included.
Project elements to print
The "Modify" button allows you to select one or more windows, for example.
Selecting the elements to print
Only information about the selected windows will appear in the documentation.
Remark: If the current project is a joint project, containing WINDEV windows, Mobile windows and WEBDEV pages, it is possible to print information on all project elements, regardless of the product used for printing.
Attention: If graphical representations (analysis, UML diagrams, etc.) are to be printed, it is necessary to configure the print areas. For more details, see Print areas.

Cover and preface of the technical documentation

You can define a cover and a preface for the technical documentation.
Cover and preface of the technical documentation
  • The cover page can be configured via Configuration button. You can define:
    • the type of cover:
      Type of cover
      Different covers are available and can be customized (via the "Customize this cover" link).
    • the information displayed:
      Cover details
  • The preface can be written via Preface.

Generating the technical documentation

The technical documentation can be printed on the selected printer. The technical documentation is displayed in the report viewer. You can:
  • start the print job,
  • export the technical documentation as PDF (via the "Export" tab).
Technical documentation of the current element

Content of the technical documentation

The content of this technical documentation can be customized: only selected information will be detailed..
Technical documentation of a window
For example, if the current element is a window, you have the ability to print one or more of the following details:
  • general information about the window (logical and physical names, title, etc.),
  • the window image,
  • details of the controls in the window (name and caption, characteristics, etc.),
  • details of the window menus (name of different options, option shortcuts, etc.),
  • the window code,
  • the code of controls found in the window,
  • the window procedures,
  • multilingual messages of the window.
  • etc.
Note: If the current item is a code window, the "Print" option only prints the various codes displayed in this window.

Generating the technical documentation

The technical documentation can be printed on the selected printer. The technical documentation is displayed in the report viewer. You can:
  • start the print job,
  • export the technical documentation as PDF (via the "Export" tab).
Print area

Specifying the print areas

If there are graphical representations (LDM, UML diagrams, etc.) to be printed, the print areas must be set before printing the technical documentation.
To specify the print areas of the current graphic representation:
  1. On the "Vista" tab, in the "Edición" group, check "Áreas de impresión". A series of borders that represent the printable areas in the technical documentation will appear in the current editor.
  2. Reduce the display of the graphic representation to view the entire graph:
    • on the "Vista" tab, change the zoom value.
    • press Ctrl + Mouse wheel.
  3. With the mouse:
    • move the borders to the desired location by keeping the mouse button down (the mouse cursor is black).
    • choose the number of pages on which the graphic representation must be printed (the mouse cursor turns into a North-West/South-East double arrow).
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 9
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Última modificación: 15/01/2025

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