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Ayuda / Desarrollar una aplicación o un sitio web / RAD / RAD Compatible con la versión 11
  • Overview
  • The different parts of the pattern description
  • 1. The characteristics of the pattern reused in the wizard:
  • 2. Project code
  • 3. Code of the window
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A partir de la versión 2024, está funcionalidad no estará disponible.
The MDL file is the file used to generate a RAD window. This file contains the entire description of the pattern to generate. This description is made of two distinct parts:
  • the description of the pattern,
  • the description of the window.
This help page only presents the code used to describe the pattern. To present this code in details, the script of a Form.mdl pattern is used.
Attention: In version 12, RAD has been completely redesigned.. MDL files are kept for backward compatibility. For more details, see New RAD patterns.
The different parts of the pattern description

1. The characteristics of the pattern reused in the wizard:

# nom du modèle
Nom=Fiche avec parcours
# description du modèle
Modèle fiche avec bouton de parcours.
Permet de saisir, modifier et supprimer des enregistrements.
Permet de consulter des enregistrements.
# classes pour la POO
# groupe de fichier
#accepte les requêtes
# groupe de champ
The different elements used in this code are as follows:
[Pattern]Signals the beginning of section for pattern description
NameName of the pattern displayed in the window creation wizard.
TitleTitle of the generated window
NumberNumber of the RAD pattern. Eleven RAD patterns are available by default
Description = BeginningBeginning of description of the pattern features. These features will be displayed in the wizard for window creation
Description = EndEnd of description of the pattern features.
ClassThe window can be created in OOP mode. The corresponding option will be visible in the wizard.
Name of the classes found in the \pattern\RAD directory that must be copied to the project directory in order for the window to operate properly.
GPFile=AIndicates that a single type of file must be chosen in the wizard.
GpFile=A(N1)B indicates that two files must be selected in the wizard. These two files must be linked in the analysis by a 1-n link.
Query=YesIndicates that, for this RAD pattern, the wizard can propose both files defined in the analysis and queries created in the query editor.
If the queries must not be used, specify Query=No
Defines the names of the different groups of controls to create.
ControlGroup: group for the edit controls in the window
BrowseGroup: group for the controls visible in browse mode
Group: group of controls
LinkGroup: group for the link buttons

2. Project code

%define PCODEPRJ OuverturePrj
%ifdef FICHIER
@// Création des fichiers
SI PAS HCréationSiInexistant({RAD_FICHIER_A}) ALORS Info("Impossible de créer
ou d'initialiser l'accès au fichier {RAD_FICHIER_A}",HErreurInfo())
%enddef PCODEPRJ
The different elements used in this code are as follows:
WinCode=BeginningSignals the beginning of code section for the window. The end of the code is marked by WinCode=End
%defineSignals the beginning of a code area definition. The end of this definition is marked by the %enddef keyword
%ifdefSignals the beginning of a conditional code. The entire statement is as follows:
%ifdef .... %else %endif
PCODEPRJDefines the type of statement currently described:
  • PROCLOC: Description of a local procedure
  • PROCGLOB: Description of a global procedure
  • PCODE: Description of a specific treatment
  • PCODEPRJ: Description of a treatment associated with the project
OpenPrjType of process currently described
  • "Opening": Window global declaration code
  • "FinInitialisation": Window opening code
  • "Closure": Window closure code
  • "Modification": Code each time the window is modified
  • "OuverturePrj": Project initialization code
  • "ClosurePrj": Project closure code
  • "Initialization": Button initialization code
  • "Clic": Button click code
  • "EntreeLigne": Row entry code in a table
  • "SelectionLigne": Selection code for a row in a table
FILEUsed to find out whether a file was selected by the user in the wizard for window creation.
QUERY: used to find out whether a query was selected by the user in the wizard for window creation.
@Marks the beginning and the end of code to insert into the specified process when generating the window.
{RAD_FILE_A}Tag used to identify the file selected by the user in the wizard. A stands for the first file, B the second file, and so on. This tag is automatically replaced with the file name in the generated code.
The other tags used are:
  • RAD_FICHIER_: file variable
  • Fiche_: window variable Fiche
  • RAD_CLE_: key variable
  • RAD_CLE_SOURCE: Name of the field before being used in the query (before the alias)
  • RAD_CHAMP_CLE_: Field associated with the key
  • RAD_FENETRE: window variable
  • RAD_CLELIAISON: link key between 2 windows
  • RAD_CLELIAISON_SOURCE: Name of key binding field before being used in the query (before alias)
  • RAD_CLELIAISON_ORIGINE: Name of the link key field in the current file (not in the linked file).
  • RAD_CLELIAISON_SOURCE_ORIGINE: Name of the key binding item in the current file before being used in the query (before the alias).
  • RAD_CHAMP_CLELIAISON: Field associated with the link key between 2 windows
  • RAD_ETAT: status variable
  • RAD_COMBO_VISION: variable containing the name of the auto-powered combo
  • RAD_FICHIER_VISION: variable containing the file name for vision plus buttons
  • RAD_CLE_VISION: variable containing the key name for vision plus buttons
  • RAD_FENETRE_VISION: variable containing the name of the Vision window to be opened.
  • Etat_Fiche_: variable containing the name of a file type report
  • Etat_Table_: variable containing the name of a table report.
  • RAD_RUB_: field variable
  • RAD_DERNIER_RUB_: variable for the last item in the file
  • RAD_REQ_SELECT_: variable containing the name of a Select query
  • QUOTE_: prefix for variables that must be enclosed in quotes
  • SANSQUOTE_: prefix for variables that must not be enclosed in quotes
%endifSignals the end of a conditional loop
%enddefSignals the end of a code definition

3. Code of the window

%define PCODE Ouverture
%ifdef PROC
%ifdef SQL
The different elements used in this code are as follows:
PROCUsed to find out whether the procedural programming mode was chosen by the user
SQLUsed to find out whether the SQL programming mode was chosen by the user
ODBCUsed to find out whether the ODBC programming mode was chosen by the user
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 9
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Última modificación: 21/09/2024

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