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Ayuda / Desarrollar una aplicación o un sitio web / SCM (Administrador de Código Fuente) / Gestión de ramas
  • Overview
  • How to manage branches
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Procedimientos almacenados
Branches allow you to simultaneously manage several versions of the same application.
The most common case is as follows: You have deployed a version of your application and you are working on the next version. However, you also want to deploy bug fixes from the new version to the release version, and thus create and distribute intermediate versions.
Another example: The branches can also be used to manage specific versions for each client. Each branch corresponds to a client version. As soon as the base project (common trunk) is modified, all you have to do is apply the modifications into each one of the branches.
The branches are used to distribute patch versions of the application to customers without any effort: no need to code the same things twice.
The risk of errors due to "manual reporting" disappears.
The comfort increases, the security increases, the hurdles to availability of bug corrections disappear...
  • The branch modifications are bi-directional. Changes in the main project can be applied to the branch, or vice versa. The project that is modified is always the open project.
  • Novedad versión 2024
    Starting with version 2024, it is now possible to create branches on directories that do not contain a project from the SCM administrator. . For more details, see SCM administrator: Branch management.
How to manage branches
To manage the branches, the SCM proposes:
Remark: With project portfolios, you can create a branch on a set of projects in a single operation. For more details, see Project portfolio.
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 11
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Última modificación: 30/04/2024

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