OperationLogDirectory (Property)
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The DirectoryJournalOperation property is used to manage the directory of the log of operations file associated with a log data file.. You can: - Find out the directory of operation log linked to a log data file defined in the data model editor or programmatically.
- Define the directory of the operation log for a data file (when describing the file through programming).
Reminder: The log of operations file (JournalOperation.fic) and the log file identification file (journalIdentification.fic) are not created by default when logging a data file.. These files are automatically created when a data file is logged in read-only or when replication is implemented on a data file.
Commande.RépertoireJournalOpération = "C:\MesFichiers\Opérations"
Finding out the directory of the operations file of a log data file Ocultar los detalles
<Current directory> = <Data file>.OperationLogDirectory
<Current directory>: Character string - Directory name of "LogOperation.fic" file associated with the logged data file,
- "." if the directory corresponds to the current directory.
<Data file>: Character string (Logical) name of the data file used. This name is defined in the data model editor or with the File Description type.
Defining the directory of the operations file for a log data file described programmatically Ocultar los detalles
<Data file>.OperationLogDirectory = <New directory>
<Data file>: Character string (Logical) name of the data file used. This name is defined with the File Description type. <New directory>: Character string Directory name of the "JournalOpération.fic" file associated with the logged data file.
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