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Procedimientos almacenados
Returns the size of a variable (string, numeric, array, ...) or resizes a dynamic array.
// Re-dimensionner un tableau (dynamique)
MonTab is array dynamic of 5 by 3 int
// Re-dimensionner le tableau
Dimension(MonTab, 8, 6)

Retrieving the size of a variable Ocultar los detalles

<Result> = Dimension(<Variable name>)
<Result>: Integer
Requested size.
Pascal stringNumber of useful characters in the string.

Example: For a Pascal string of 10, the result will be 10.
ASCIIZ stringNumber of useful characters in the string.

Example: For an ASCIIZ string of 10, the result will be 9 because there is a binary 0 at the end.
Composite variable and structureSum of the size (in bytes) of each component.

Warning: This case does not apply to Classes.
ArrayTotal number of elements in the array. This function is equivalent to the Count property.

Example: For an array of 3 strings, the result will be 3.
Example: For an array of 5 by 3 integers, the result will be 15 (5 * 3)
Note: To find out the size of an array's dimensions, use the ArrayInfo function.
OtherSize in bytes of the memory area corresponding to the variable. For the character strings, use Length.
<Variable name>: Character string
Name of the variable (any type of variable).
WEBDEV - Código Navegador Only Array variables can be used.

Resizing a dynamic array of N dimensions Ocultar los detalles

Dimension(<Array name> , <Number of elements in dimension 1> [, <No. of elements in dimension 2> [... [, <Number of elements in dimension N>]]])
<Array name>: Character string
Name of the variable that corresponds to the dynamic array.
Note: Fixed arrays cannot be resized.
<Number of elements in dimension 1>: Integer
Number of elements in the first dimension of the array.
Caution: The number of array dimensions cannot be modified, nor can the type of elements.. A two-dimensional array remains a two-dimensional array.
<No. of elements in dimension 2>: Optional integer
Number of elements in the second dimension of the array.
Caution: The number of array dimensions cannot be modified, nor can the type of elements.. A two-dimensional array remains a two-dimensional array.
<Number of elements in dimension N>: Optional integer
Number of elements in the Nth dimension of the array.
Caution: The number of array dimensions cannot be modified, nor can the type of elements.. A two-dimensional array remains a two-dimensional array.
Componente: wd300vm.dll
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 9
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Última modificación: 24/09/2024

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