fReportsAndQueriesDir (Function) In french: fRepEtatsEtRequêtes fReportsAndQueriesDir allows you to get and change: - the full path of the directory for the custom reports and queries. This directory corresponds to the directory of the reports and queries visible by the user who created them.
- the full path of the directory for the shared reports and queries. This directory corresponds to the directory of the reports and queries visible by all the application users.
// Directory of custom reports and queries DirReportsAndQueries is string DirReportsAndQueries = fReportsAndQueriesDir(dirUser) // Save the reports and queries found in this // directory in an archive zipCreate("MyReportsAndQueries", "C:\MyFiles\ReportsAndQueries.WDZ") zipAddDirectory("MyReportsAndQueries", DirReportsAndQueries)
Finding out the directory of the custom reports and queries Hide the details
<Result> = fReportsAndQueriesDir([<Custom/Shared>])
<Result>: Character string Path of the directory containing the custom or shared reports and queries: - Full path (for example: "C:\MyReportsQueries\MyReports")
- UNC path (for example: "\\ServerReportsAndQueries\MyReports")
<Custom/Shared>: Optional integer constant Sought directory: | | dirShared | Directory of the shared reports and queries. This directory corresponds to the directory of the reports and queries visible by all the application users. | dirUser (Default value) | Directory of custom reports and queries. This directory corresponds to the directory of the reports and queries visible by the user who created them. |
Modifying the directory of the custom reports and queries Hide the details
<Result> = fReportsAndQueriesDir(<Custom/Shared> [, <New path>])
<Result>: Character string Path of the directory containing personal or shared reports and queries before fReportsAndQueriesDir is used: - Full path (for example: "C:\MyReportsQueries\MyReports")
- UNC path (for example: "\\ServerReportsAndQueries\MyReports").
<Custom/Shared>: Integer constant Directory to modify: | | dirShared | Directory of the shared reports and queries. This directory corresponds to the directory of the reports and queries visible by all the application users. | dirUser (Default value) | Directory of custom reports and queries. This directory corresponds to the directory of the reports and queries visible by the user who created them. |
<New path>: Character string New full path (local or UNC) of the directory. Caution: This path will be valid for the current instance of the application only: it will not be saved in replacement of the path specified during the setup. Remarks - These directories were specified when creating the setup program or when installing the application.
- This function does not allow you to find out the directory containing the reports and/or queries saved via "Save as" in Reports & Queries. This directory can be known in the description window of the specified report or query.
- The possible change of directories is applied to the current instance of the executable. The directories specified during the setup are not modified by the function. Therefore, these directories will not be modified in Reports and Queries.