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Ayuda / WLanguage / Administrar bases de datos / HFSQL / Gestión de registros
  • Overview
  • JNL_FILES.FIC file
  • JNL_USERS.FIC file
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Structure of log files (HFSQL Client/Server)
HFSQL Client/ServerDisponible solo con este tipo de conexión
The following files are automatically created when logging an HFSQL Client/Server data file:
JNL_FILES.FICDescription of logged files.
JNL_OPERATION.FICDescription of actions performed on a logged file.
JNL_USERS.FICDescription of users who perform an action on a logged file.
xxxJNL.FICFile created for each logged file. Contains the value of records used before and after each operation.
These files are created according to the following structure:
1. __JNL directory
This directory contains:
  • The file log
  • The user log
  • The operation log
  • For each logged file of each database, the corresponding log file. The tree structure used corresponds to the tree structure of the data files associated with the database.
For example, if the Orders file of DataApplicationA is logged, the __JNL\DataApplicationA subdirectory will contain the OrdersJNL.FIC file.
Another example: if the Client file of DonneesApplicationB is jounalé, the sub-directory __JNL\DonneesApplicationA\Client will contain the file ClientJNL.FIC.
2. Database directory DataApplicationA
3. Database directory DataApplicationB
This page presents the structure of these files.
The different items found in JNL_FILES.FIC are as follows:
JNLFile_IDFile identifier.
Source_DB_File_LocationName of database + '\' + relative path of log file.
Source_File_GUIDGUID of the logged file.
JNL_File_GUIDGUID of write-to-file log.
The different items found in JNL_OPERATION.FIC are as follows:
Operation_IDIdentifier of the operation.
USER_IDIdentifier of user who performs the operation. This identifier corresponds to the identifier of JNL_USER.Fic
JNLFile_IDIdentifier of logged file where the operation is performed. This identifier corresponds to the identifier of JNL_FILES.Fic.
WLFunction_IDIdentifier of the WLanguage function used in the program. To find out the name of the WLanguage function used, simply check the ListeDéfinitionHF.WL file (located in the "Personal\Extern\" subdirectory of the product)
Server_TimeDate of operation on the server (in UTC format, universal time)
Record_NumberNumber of the modified record
Source_Record_Backup_IDIdentifier in the file of values. Corresponds to the record value before the operation.
Modified_Record_Backup_IDIdentifier in the file of values. Corresponds to the record value after the operation.
HLogInfoMsgValue defined by HLogInfo.
HComputer_IDText defined by HComputer.
The different items found in JNL_USERS.FIC are as follows:
USER_IDUser identifier.
Workstation_NameName of user computer.
Workstation_IPAddressIP address of user computer.
ApplicationApplication name
  • (write-to-file log)
The *JNL.Fic file contains:
  • the items found in the table below,
  • all the logged items of the corresponding logged HFSQL file.
USER_IDIdentifier of the user who performed the operation. This number is used to identify the record in JNL_Users.Fic
Record_NumberNumber of the record in the initial logged file.
Record_StatusRecord status (modified, deleted, added, ...)
WLFunction_IDIdentifier of the WLanguage function used in the program. To find out the name of the WLanguage function used, simply check the ListeDéfinitionHF.WL file (located in the "Personal\Extern\" subdirectory of the product used)
Server_TimeDate of operation on the server (in UTC format, universal time)
HLogInfoMsgValue defined by HLogInfo.
HComputer_IDText defined by HComputer.
IDJNLIdentifier of the log
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 10
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Última modificación: 21/09/2024

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