Returns the IP (Internet Protocol) address of a computer.
Caution: Only IPV4 addresses are returned. This operating mode is kept for backward compatibility with the earlier versions. To find out the IPV4 and/or IPV6 addresses, use NetListIPAddress. // Displays the IP address of local computer Info(NetIPAddress())
<Result> = NetIPAddress([<Computer name>] [, <Index>])
<Result>: Character string - IP address of specified computer (in XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX format),
- Empty string ("") if the computer has less IP addresses than the desired <Index>.
<Computer name>: Optional character string Name of the computer to use. If this parameter is not specified, the current computer will be considered.
<Index>: Optional integer Index of the IP address in the list of computer addresses. By default, the address returned is the first address found in the list of computer addresses. The index of the first address is set to 0. Observaciones Number of IP addresses In a WEBDEV website, NetIPAddress returns the IP address of the server on which the site is installed. To find out the IP address of the Web user, you must use BrowserIPAddress. Attention: If the user is behind a router, the BrowserIPAddress function returns the router's IP address. - An IP address is found for each TCP/IP protocol installed on the same computer.
- To list the different IP addresses of a computer (IPV4 and/or IPV6), use NetListIPAddress.
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