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Ayuda / WLanguage / Funciones WLanguage / Funciones estándar / Funciones de Windows / Funciones del cursor del ratón
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Procedimientos almacenados
Used in an linked mouse or stylus event (click code, hover code, left or right button pressed code, etc.) returns the horizontal position (X) of the mouse cursor relative to the control or window in question.
You can get:
  • the position of the mouse (or stylus) when an Image control is clicked (function used in the "Click" event of the Image control).
  • the position of the mouse (or stylus) when hovering over a window (function used in the optional "Mouse hover" event of a window).
    Reportes y Consultas
    // Survol souris de la fenêtre "FEN_Dessin"
    // Code optionnel de la fenêtre
    Message("Position de la souris: X: " + MouseXPos() + " Y: " + MouseYPos())
    Reportes y Consultas
    // Affiche un message différent selon l'endroit cliqué
    IF MouseXPos() > 25 THEN
    	Info("A droite")
    	Info("A gauche")
    Reportes y Consultas

    Retrieving the mouse position in a window Ocultar los detalles

    <Result> = MouseXPos([<Origine>])
    <Result>: Integer
    • Horizontal position (X-coordinate) of the mouse or stylus, in pixels. By default, this position is relative to the upper-left corner of the control on which the left mouse button was pressed.
    • -1 if an error occurred.
    <Origine>: Optional Integer constant
    Origin used for position calculation:
    (Default value)
    Mouse position relative to the upper-left corner of the hovered control or window, depending on where the event occurs.
    mpImageMouse position in the Image control (relative to the upper-left corner).

    This constant should only be used when MouseXPos is called in an event associated with an Image control. Otherwise, MouseXPos will return -1.
    mpScreenMouse position in the screen (relative to the upper-left corner).
    mpWindowMouse position relative to the upper-left corner of the window.

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    The main error codes are as follows:
    • No window is opened.
    • No mouse click is performed.
    • MouseXPos is not called in a mouse event.
    • The click code is executed by Execute or ExecuteProcess.
    Reportes y Consultas


    • You can get the vertical position of the mouse or stylus with MouseYPos.
    • MouseXPos used in the selection code of row or table always returns 0.
    Componente: wd290obj.dll
    Versión mínima requerida
    • Versión 9
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    Última modificación: 09/04/2024

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