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Ayuda / Herramientas / WDLog
  • Overview
  • Interactive mode
  • Viewing the JournalOperation.FIC file (HFSQL Classic)
  • Viewing the Log file (HFSQL Client/Server)
  • Information displayed
  • Possible operations
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Procedimientos almacenados
WDLog displays the content of a log file:
  • in HFSQL Classic mode. The file viewed in WDLog is <NameLoggedFile>JNL.FIC.
  • in HFSQL Client/Server mode. However, we recommend that you use the HFSQL Control Center.
  • The operating mode of the log process presents differences between HFSQL Classic and HFSQL Client/Server.
  • In programming, HHistoryModification returns the modifications made to one or more items of a given record.
Interactive mode
WINDEVWindowsHFSQL Classic

Viewing the JournalOperation.FIC file (HFSQL Classic)

To view the JournalOperation.FIC file (HFSQL Classic)
  1. Start WDLog.
  2. Select "File .. Manage logs" (or click the book).
  3. Click "Open an HFSQL Classic log".
  4. Select the log file of your application (XXXJNL.FIC file).
  5. The content of the file is displayed.
WINDEVWindowsHFSQL Client/Server

Viewing the Log file (HFSQL Client/Server)

To view the Log file (HFSQL Client/Server)
  1. Start WDLog.
  2. Select "File .. Manage logs" (or click the book).
  3. Click "Open an HFSQL Client/Server log".
  4. Describe the connection to the HFSQL server in the wizard.
  5. Select the logged file.
  6. The content of the file is displayed.

Information displayed

ApplicationName of the application that has performed the operation (useful when files are shared between several applications).
This information is a string of 12 characters.
DateDate the operation was completed.
HComputerIdentifier of the computer that performed the operation (identifier defined by HComputer).
This information is a 16-character string.
IP addressIP address of computer that performed the operation.
KeyValue of the first unique key of the file.
Network nameName of the computer (up to 12 characters). If this name contains more than 12 characters, the beginning of the name is truncated (indeed, the end of the computer name is the most determinant section).
HFSQL Client/Server The JNLUSER.Fic file allows you to find out the name of the user computer.
NotesCustom notes defined by HLogInfo.
This information is a 12-character string.
OperationOperation performed on the data file. In the data file, this operation is identified by a number. The list of HFSQL functions and their respective numbers can be found in the ListeDefinitionHF.WL file, in the "\Personal\External" subdirectory of WINDEV.
TimeTime the operation was completed.
ValuesThe magnifier is used to view the different values of the record:
  • During an addition, the added value is viewed.
  • During a modification, the values before and after the modification are viewed.
  • During a deletion, the deleted values are viewed.

Possible operations

This window is used to perform advanced searches on all the elements saved in the log. You can for example search for all the modifications performed by a computer over a specific period or search for all the operations performed by a specific computer.
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 9
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Última modificación: 30/09/2024

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