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Ayuda / Centros de Control / Centro de Gestión de Proyectos / Requisitos
  • Overview
  • Creating a list of requirements
  • Remarks
  • Creating a requirement
  • Quick creation
  • Standard creation
  • Remarks
  • Special case: Requirement models
  • Importing requirements
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Procedimientos almacenados
The following steps must be performed to implement the requirements:
  1. Creating a list of requirements. This list can for example group the necessary requirements for a new software version.
  2. Creating requirements.
  3. Assigning the different dependencies to requirements (tasks, business rules, etc.).
  4. Monitoring requirements.
Creating a list of requirements
A list of requirements must be created before you can manage the requirements.
To create a list of requirements:
  1. Display or create a "Requirements" pane in the Project Management Hub.
  2. In the "Management" group, click "List of requirements".
  3. Click Add and select "New list of requirements".
  4. In the window that appears, you can specify the characteristics of the list in the "General" tab:
    Creating a list of requirements
    • The list name.
    • The linked document (if necessary).
    • The option "There must be a manager for all the requirements in the list" makes it mandatory to set a manager for each requirement in the list. The manager will not be able to validate their task if another participant still has a task associated with the non-validated requirement.
    • The list description.
  5. On the "Rights" tab, specify:
    • The managers of the list of requirements. These persons will be able to modify the requirements found in the list.
    • Rights to be applied to Control Center contributors: Control Center contributors may or may not have the right to:
      • See the requirements found in the list.
      • Modify the requirements found in the list.
      • Add dependencies (which means add tasks, business rules and/or incidents)
      • Delete dependencies (which means delete tasks, business rules and/or incidents).
        Attention: Removing dependencies is a strategic operation, because by removing a dependency, a requirement can become validated..
        Remark: Requirement list managers have full rights.
  6. The "Additional items" tab allows you to specify, if necessary, the additional items to be managed by the requirement list. These fields can be used, for example, to manage the customer agreement, the standard service, etc. Up to 3 additional headings can be added to each requirement in the list. This information will be displayed in the "Other information" pane of requirement description and in the list of requirements.
    To take a new item into account:
    • Check the line corresponding to the new item.
    • In the table, modify the caption of the item as well as its type.
    • Check the corresponding box if the item must be taken into account in the search by keywords.
    • Specify (if necessary) the default value of item.
  7. Validate. The window for managing lists of requirements is displayed.
  8. Validate.


  • A list of requirements can also be created from WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile:
    • click New in the quick access buttons.
    • the window for creating a new element appears: click on "Workshop" then on "Requirement"..
  • The characteristics of a list of requirements can be viewed/modified from the window for managing requirements ("List description" in the context menu).
Creating a requirement
The requirements are associated with a list of requirements.
To create a requirement from the Project Management Hub:
  1. Display or create a "Requirements" pane.
  2. In the list of requirements on the left, select the desired list of requirements.
  3. In the tab ribbon, click "New requirement" and select the requirement creation mode:
    Creating a requirement
    • Quick creation.
    • Standard creation.
    • Create from template.

Quick creation

If you choose "Quick creation", a simplified requirement creation window is displayed:
Quick requirement creation
This window allows you to specify:
  • the title of the requirement
  • its description,
  • the list of related requirements,
  • the related targets,
In "Contributors", you can easily associate tasks to the corresponding contributors.
Simple requirement creation
You can then indicate details specific to the task assigned to each contributor:
  • Title (the title of the requirement is used by default),
  • Type of task,
  • Project,
  • Duration of the task.

Standard creation

If you select "Standard creation", the requirement description window appears:
  1. In the requirement description window, enter the characteristics of the requirement in the "Content" tab:
    Requirement details
    • The title of the requirement. This name must summarize the requirement content in a few words.
    • The target(s) of the requirement. A requirement can be specific to a platform (Windows, Linux, Android, etc.), a customer, etc.. The link "Click here to select the targets to associate" allows you to select one of the targets proposed by default, or to create and manage your own targets.
    • The full requirement description.
    • Tags associated with the requirement. Click on to select the desired tags.
  2. In the right-hand zone of the requirement, enter:
    • The name of the requirement manager.
      This manager will not be able to set the task as "completed" until the tasks of the other members have been completed and will be notified each time a team member completes her or his task.
      Note: Depending on the options defined for the requirement list, the entry of a responsible person may be mandatory.
    • The name of the associated list of requirements. This option is used to transfer (if necessary) a requirement from a list to another one (feature not performed by the deadline for example.
    • The priority level for the requirement (from 1 - low priority to 10 - high priority).
    • The scheduled deadline (if necessary).
    • The sprint associated with the requirement.
    • The linked tasks (test and/or documentation).
    • The coefficient of complexity applied to the tasks linked to the requirement.
    • The model: It is possible to create "requirement models" and associate the requirement with a model (see below).
  3. In the "Details" tab:
    • Add attachments. The attachments correspond to the documents linked to the requirement. It can be a file, an image found in the clipboard or an Internet link.
    • Add comments. It is possible to enter comments on the requirement. These comments can be typed by any person associated with the requirement.
    • Enter additional information if required. This information corresponds to the additional items associated with the list of requirements.
  4. In the "Dependencies" tab, add or create the tasks associated with the new requirement. These tasks can also be associated with the requirement later on.
    Note: The "History" tab provides a list of operations carried out on the requirement, and the "Impact analysis" tab shows the requirement's impact analysis.
  5. Validate the creation of the requirement.


  • A requirement can also be created:
    • from WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile:
      • click in the quick access buttons.
      • the window for creating a new element appears: click on "Workshop" then on "Requirement"..
    • directly from the requirements management window: in the "Requirements" pane, in the "Management" group, click on "Requirement lists".. In the window that is displayed, click , "New requirement" option.
  • The characteristics of a requirement can be viewed and/or modified from the "Requirement" tab. To do so, select the list of requirements and the requirement to consult. Double-click the requirement to display the description window.
  • If the requirement name is modified, the Project Management Hub automatically proposes to rename all associated tasks.

Special case: Requirement models

In some cases, you may want to use the requirement templates.
To create an template for arequirement, simply create a new requirement and indicate in the requirement's description window that the requirement is an template (check box "Requirement is an template").
Then, a requirement can be created from an template from the "Requirement" type tab: in the ribbon, in the "Requirements" group, pull down "New requirement" and select "Creation from an template"..
To do so, specify the template to use in the window that opens.
Remark: The "Requirement" tab offers several display filters ("Additional filters" option). In the proposed filters, you have the ability to display (or not) the requirement templates.
Importing requirements
The Project Management Hub allows you to import requirements. These requirements can be in an RTF or XLS file with a specific format.
For more details, see Importing requirement lists.
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 12
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Última modificación: 18/09/2024

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