Ayuda / Licencias / 
License agreement for the tools included with WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile
Caution: By installing and using a redistributable WINDEV or WEBDEV software, you agree to the terms in the license:
CUSTOMER shall mean the original customer (either individual or company) who purchased and registered a license for WINDEV or WEBDEV.
USER shall mean the original user (either individual or company) who uses the SOFTWARE.
SOFTWARE shall refer to one of the following redistributable WINDEV or WEBDEV tools:
  • Surveillance robot (Robot, Robot controller and Monitor)
  • Software factory (Software factory robot)
  • HFSQL Control Center (CCHFSQL)
This user license is granted to the CUSTOMER and to the USER.
1. SOFTWARE ownership

This software is the sole and exclusive property of PC SOFT.

2. Rights for SOFTWARE distribution

The CUSTOMER is allowed to distribute the SOFTWARE with applications developed with WINDEV or WEBDEV SaaS.

3. Use

The CUSTOMER and the USER agree to use the SOFTWARE only for the purpose for which it is intended. Modifying, trying to modify, disassembling, or trying to disassemble this SOFTWARE is forbidden. The CUSTOMER shall not remove (or try to remove) the copyright mentions that may be displayed and/or included in the SOFTWARE.
The SOFTWARE shall not be rented, leased or shared.

4. Absence of liability

The SOFTWARE and the documentation are sold as is, WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY as to performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose.
PC SOFT shall not be liable for damages of any nature whatsoever, including data loss or deterioration, financial or operational loss, discrepancies between information supplied in the documentation and SOFTWARE behavior, in case the SOFTWARE behaves differently than expected. The entire risk as to the results and performance of programs created with the SOFTWARE is assumed by the CUSTOMER.

License acceptance:
By keeping and using this software, you indicate that understand and agree to the terms of this license.
This license shall not be modified by the representations of anyone unless a written amendment has been signed by a corporate officer of PC SOFT.
This license agreement is governed by French Laws; any disputes that may arise are to be settled within the jurisdiction of the courts where PC SOFT has its headquarters.
3, rue de Puech Villa
BP 44 408
34197 Montpellier Cedex 5
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Última modificación: 29/03/2024

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