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WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac CatalystUniversal Windows 10 App
Stored procedures
Functions for managing objects (External language)
BeepUsed to emit a beep on the speaker of the computer.
CloseCloses the current window and restores the context that existed before the window opening.
ConfirmDisplays a dialog box that includes a logo, a message, the "Yes", "No" and "Cancel" buttons, and returns the button validated by the user.
DisplayLongTextDisplays a long text in a text control in Pascal and in C.
DisplaysDisplays a value in a control or assigns a value in a variable.
ErrorDisplays a dialog box containing an error logo and the message passed in parameter.
ExecuteRuns the code of a control or the code of a procedure in WLanguage.
GetRetrieves the value of a control.
HandleReturns the handle of a window or control.
HourglassDisplays a mouse pointer shaped like an hourglass.
HsMenu,LabelModifies the caption of a menu option.
HsMenu,MarkFinds out whether a menu option is marked or not.
HsMenu,NameAdds a menu into the window that is opened. The menu is the menu of another window.
HsMenu,SelectSelects or deselects, makes invisible, marks or unmarks an option found in the current menu.
HsMenu,StatusReturns the status of a menu option (active, invisible, grayed).
InfoDisplays a dialog box containing an information logo and the message passed as parameter
iPrintReportPrints a report created with the report editor.
LCommandReturns the command line passed as parameter to the executable program. WdString contains the command line passed in parameter to the executable program (without the name of the executable itself).
Library,DiskOpens the project library that is stored on disk.
Library,ErrorLoads the file that contains the error messages handled by WDXXXEXE.DLL in the desired language. If no Library, Error is called, the error messages are displayed in French by default.
List,AddAdds an element into a drop-down list or into an expanded list.
List,CountReturns the number of elements found in a list.
List,DeleteDeletes an element from a drop-down list or from an expanded list. The following elements are moved up by one rank.
List,GetRetrieves the value of a given element or the value of the selected element in a drop-down list or in an expanded list.
List,InsertInserts an element at the given index of a drop-down or expanded list.
List,ModifyModifies an element in a drop-down list or in an expanded list.
List,PositionSets the position on the first element of the List Box or returns the index of the first element displayed.
List,SearchFinds a value in a list. The search performed is an exact-match search.
List,Select,-Deselects an element from a drop-down list or from an expanded list.
List,Select,?Returns the element selected in the list.
List,Select,+Selects an element in a drop-down list or in an expanded list. This function is mainly used to handle multi-selection list boxes.
MessageDisplays a message in the status bar
MultitaskAllows the programs currently run to process the Windows messages or runs a temporization.
NationDefines the display language (for the titles, captions, messages, ...) found in the windows and controls.
OpenOpens a window.
Option,SpaceFills the content of WdString with space characters on the right.
Option,TestIn an information window, displays each call to the function and each status report returned by the function.
Option,VersionFinds out the version number of WINDEV wd290VM.DLL .
ProjectOpens and runs a WINDEV project. The first project window is displayed and the input is automatically enabled in this window.
Screen,ColumnReturns the index of the current column in a Table based on a data file or in a Table populated programmatically.
Screen,CoordinateRetrieves the coordinates of the control in relation to the top left border of the window as well as the physical size of a control.
Screen,CurrentRetrieves the name of the control being edited and its index, if necessary.
Screen,FileToScreenUpdates the controls in the window with the values from the bound items in the data file.
Screen,FirstIndicates the name of the first editable control or the name of the next control that must be in edit.
Screen,GetRetrieves the value in a control or in a variable. The space characters found at the end of WdString are deleted by default.
Screen,InputStarts the input in the controls of a window.
Screen,NextReturns the name of the next editable control.
Screen,RazResets (for a numeric control) or clears (for the other types of controls) the content of the controls found in the current window. The list boxes and the combo boxes cannot be reset to zero.
Screen,ScreenToFileUpdates the items in the data file with the values from the bound controls in the window.
Screen,SelectionModifies the status of a control (invisible, active, inactive, grayed).
Screen,XVarDefines whether a control is included (or not) in the current window.
SoundInitInitializes the sound interpreter. This function must be run once in each program. It is used to calibrate the execution speed of the sounds. This function may take a few minutes.
SpaceFills the content of WdString with space characters on the right.
StyleLoads a style sheet.
Table,AddAdds an element to a Table control.
Table,ColReturns the current index of the column.
Table,CountReturns the number of elements in a Table control.
Table,DeleteDeletes an element from a Table control.
Table,DisplayRefreshes the Table control. The calculated controls are recalculated. The position in the Table control is set according to the current position in the data file.
Table,GetRetrieves the value of a given element or the value of the selected element in a Table control.
Table,InsertInserts an element at the given index of a Table control.
Table,ModifyModifies an element in a Table control.
Sets the position on a given element or returns the element on the fist row of a Table control populated programmatically.
Table,SaveUpdates or adds a record in the data file linked to the Table control.
Table,SearchSearches for a value in a Table control populated programmatically. It is an exact-match search.
Table,Select,?Returns the index of the selected element in a Table control.
Selects an element in a Table control.
TestDisplays each function call and each status report returned by the function.
UseOpens the specified window by closing all the windows opened beforehand.
WavPlayPlays the requested sound. The sound interpreter must be initialized by SoundInit.
WDEndEnds a program that is using WINDEV.
WindowReturns the number of windows opened at a given time.
Modifies the title of the current window.
Windows,TitleModifies the title of the next window (or dialog box) displayed.
Windows,TNextModifies the title of the next window (or dialog box) displayed.
Yes,NoDisplays a dialog box that includes a logo, a message and the "Yes" and "No" buttons. The user must validate one of the buttons ("Yes" or "No") to close the window
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 14
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Última modificación: 26/05/2022

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