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Ayuda / Editores / Editor de proyectos / Descripción del proyecto
  • Overview
  • Advanced tab
  • Reports and Queries
  • Automatic Application Features (AAF)
  • Application security
  • Time monitoring
  • Units of sizes and positions for new windows
  • Rendering engine for HTML controls that use IE/Edge ActiveX (compatibility)
WindowsLinuxUniversal Windows 10 AppJavaReportes y ConsultasCódigo de Usuario (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Código Navegador
AndroidWidget Android iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac CatalystUniversal Windows 10 App
Procedimientos almacenados
The project description window allows you to configure various elements of your project. This window includes the following tabs:
  • The "Project" tab, which allows you to enter general information about the project
  • The "Analysis" tab, which is used to associate an analysis with the project and/or with a UML model
  • The "Files" tab, which allows you to enter information about the data files used by the application (only if the project uses an analysis).
  • The "Live Data" tab, which allows you to configure how the data from the data files is displayed in the different editors.
  • The "Languages" tab, which is used to configure the different languages used by the project as well as the options to be used for each language.
  • The "Style" tab, which allows you to customize the print preview and to choose the skin template and custom style sheet. You can also configure screen sizes.
  • The "SCM" tab, which is used to manage teamwork (SCM or Git).
  • The "Options" tab, which allows you to define the creation, update and save options of the different elements of the project. This tab also allows you to synchronize templates, enable strict mode and define the code style.
  • The "Advanced" tab, which allows you to enable or disable "Reports & Queries", configure AAFs, and define how the application is locked.
  • The "Compilation" tab, which allows you to configure the compilation options.
  • The "Telemetry" tab, which allows you to configure the telemetry options for the project.
Advanced tab

Reports and Queries

The "Enable Reports and Queries" option allows you to enable or disable Reports and Queries for the current project. In this case, the user will be able to start Reports and Queries from the report viewer.

Automatic Application Features (AAF)

The available options are:
  • WINDEV Activar OVI (Oscurecimiento de Ventanas Inactivas) para oscurecer las ventanas cuando están inactivas: With this option, you can set the windows in the project to be automatically grayed out when inactive. If this option is checked, background windows are automatically grayed out, allowing the user to quickly identify the active window.
    For more details, see Dim disabled windows.
  • WINDEV Permitir que el usuario final modifique la UI: This option allows end users to modify some elements of the UI. The "Options" button allows you to define which changes can be made.
    For more details, see UI modifiable by the end user.
  • WINDEV User Macro-Code: The "User Macro-Code" button allows you to decide if you authorize end users to write code.
    For more details, see UMC: Implementing and managing "User Macro-Codes".
  • WINDEV Window animations: The "Window animations" button allows you to configure the animations that are automatically applied on the different windows of the project.
    For more details, see Animating the windows of a WINDEV application.
  • WINDEV Control animations: The "Control animations" button allows you to enable and configure different animations for each type of control.
    For more details, see Control animations.
  • AAF menu: Each control in a WINDEV project contains an automatic context menu, with default options. The "AAF menu" button allows you to configure the options to be shown or hidden in the context menu of each type of control in the project.
  • WINDEV Show available AAFs: This button opens a PDF file containing some of the AAFs available in a WINDEV application.

Application security

WINDEV gives you the ability to lock your applications (after a specific duration for example). All the application windows are minimized and made invisible. A password is required when the user wants to restore the application.
The "Automatically lock the application..." option allows you to implement this functionality.
For more details, see Locking an application.

Time monitoring

The "Supervisar el tiempo invertido en los elementos del proyecto" option allows you to set up time management. For each project element (windows, reports, etc.), the total time spent is calculated:
  • for all the project contributors,
  • for each project contributor.
For more details, see Time management.

Units of sizes and positions for new windows

This option allows you to choose the unit system to be used when editing the size and position of controls, fonts, etc.
  • Desktop AND mobile compatible: Uses a logical unit compatible between platforms.
    To be used if the window is displayed on desktop and mobile devices.
  • Desktop OR mobile platform: The developer must adapt the coordinates according to the platform.
    To be used if the platform is mobile only or desktop only.

Rendering engine for HTML controls that use IE/Edge ActiveX (compatibility)

This option allows you to select the rendering engine for old HTML controls.
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 27
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Última modificación: 22/03/2024

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