Versión: 2025

Categoría: AAF on Tables/TreeView Tables
13 resultados
Automatic calculations in a Table control (AAF)
In the Table and TreeView Table controls, the end user has the ability to add automatic calculations...
Automatic menu of tables (AAF)
Each Table field in a window offers the user a menu by default...
Coloring a row, a column or a cell found in a control (AAF)
To simplify the reading in the controls used to view large volumes of data, the end user has the ability to color the data found in the control...
Context menu of Check Box columns (AAF)
The Table and TreeView Table controls can propose Check Box columns allowing the user to select the requested options...
FAA: Chart on a table column
When a table column is a Numeric column, the end user can create a chart on the column data and therefore benefit from the power of charts created with WINDEV...
FAA: Data export (Table field, Hierarchical Table, RepeatString, Tree, ...)
You want to perform simulations with Excel, Word, OpenOffice...
FAA: Sort on Table Columns
WINDEV allows the user to easily sort the columns of a Table control.
FAA: Sort/Search/Filter on Table Columns
FAA: Zoom the contents of a field (Table, Spreadsheet, List, Crosstab, ...)
To simplify the reading in the controls used to view large volumes of data, the end user has the ability to zoom the data found in the control...
Printing the content of a table (AAF)
By default, a Table field offers an automatic context menu enabling the user to perform a number of operations on the data displayed in the table...
Printing the content of a TreeView Table (AAF)
TreeView Table controls include an automatic context menu that allows users to perform multiple actions on the data displayed in the control...
Storing the breaks in the Table/Looper controls (AAF)
When end users work on a complex Table or Looper control with multiple breaks, they may want to save the current layout...
Table control: Paste a line into another Table control (AAF)
Table controls allow you to view and modify data...