Versión: 2025

Categoría: Web services
20 resultados
The apiRequest type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a request executed via a REST web service imported using the OpenAPI documentation.
Deletes from the web service context a variable added by DeclareWebserviceContext.
A REST WebService is a program hosted on a server containing functions accessible via HTTP requests...
WINDEV and WEBDEV allow you to directly generate web services that use the SOAP technology...
Used to declare a list of variables whose value will be persistent between the successive calls to a web service.
Funciones de servicios web
From version 18 of WINDEV, the import of web services includes the necessary tools to allow the consumption of secure web services used to manage the Sesam Vitale cards...
WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile allow you to directly import web services into your applications...
It is now possible to specify in the description of a web service that a procedure must be called (and executed automatically) each time a web service is called...
In a REST web service, an entry point can have several types...
REST web service APIs can be described using OpenAPl files...
WDTestRest is used to test the calls to an HTTP REST web service or to run a Web API accessible by HTTP...
Returns the IP address of the computer using and calling the web service.
Obtiene el valor de un parámetro en una llamada a un servicio web SOAP o REST.
Lee el encabezado HTTP recibido en una llamada a un servicio web SOAP o REST.
Devuelve el tipo MIME de la solicitud recibida al llamar a un servicio web REST.
Especifica el código HTTP personalizado que se devolverá cuando finalice la ejecución de la función del servicio web REST.
Especifica el código HTTP que se devolverá al final de la ejecución de la función del servicio web REST.
Agrega un encabezado HTTP adicional a una solicitud de un servicio web REST.
Indica el tipo MIME de la respuesta devuelta por el servicio web (caso de una llamada a un servicio web REST).