AutomaticErase (Property) In french: EffacementAutomatique
The AutomaticErase property is used to: - find out whether an edit control is in "Automatic erase" mode.
- modify the "Automatic erase" characteristic of an edit control.
Remark: If an Edit control is in "Automatic erase" mode, the value in the field is automatically selected when the Edit control is entered.. This characteristic can be configured in the "Details" tab of the description window of control.
EffacementAuto is boolean
EffacementAuto = SAI_Saisie1.EffacementAutomatique
SAI_Saisie1.EffacementAutomatique = False
SAI_Saisie1.EffacementAutomatique = True
Finding out the "Automatic erase" mode Hide the details
<Current mode> = <Control used>.AutomaticErase
<Current mode>: Boolean - True if the "Automatic erase" mode is enabled,
- False otherwise.
<Control used>: Control name Name of element used: - Edit control,
- Text table column.
Modifying the "Automatic erase" mode Hide the details
<Control to use>.AutomaticErase = <New mode>
<Control to use>: Control name Name of element used: - Edit control,
- Text table column.
<New mode>: Boolean - True to enable the "Automatic erase" mode,
- False otherwise.