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Adds a report to a group of reports.
Remark: Setting up a report group enables a specific combo to be displayed in the report viewer. The reports found in the group are listed in this combo box and they can be displayed in the report viewer. This features allows you to propose to the user:
  • a report in portrait mode and in landscape mode.
  • a report in various formats: A3, A4, US letter, ...
// Print destination
// Create the group of reports
iGroupAdd(RPT_TO_Year_A4_Portrait, 2012)
iGroupAdd(RPT_TO_Year_A4_Landscape, 2012)
// Display first report of the group in the report viewer
<Result> = iGroupAdd(<Report name> [, <Parameter 1> [... [, <Parameter N>]]])
<Result>: Integer
Index of the report in the group of reports.
<Report name>: Character string
Name of report that will be added into the group.
<Parameter 1>: Optional parameters (the type corresponds to the parameter type)
Optional parameter expected by the report. This parameter was defined in the "Open" event of the report. This parameter can be the name of a view, the name of a memory area, etc.
This parameter will be passed to the report when it is displayed in the report viewer or when it is printed.
<Parameter N>: Optional parameters (the type corresponds to the parameter type)
Optional parameter expected by the report. This parameter was defined in the "Open" event of the report. This parameter can be the name of a view, the name of a memory area, etc.
This parameter will be passed to the report when it is displayed in the report viewer or when it is printed.
  • Parameters by reference are not handled: calling the function iGroupAdd FUNCTION function makes a copy of the parameter value at the time of the call.
  • An icon and a caption are added by default into the combo box. This information can be customized by iGroupConfigure. The default caption corresponds to the report dimensions and orientation.
  • The report selected by default can be configured by iGroupPrint.
Componente: wd300etat.dll
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 18
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Última modificación: 05/11/2024

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