- Properties specific to xmlSignature variables
xmlSignature (Variable type)
The xmlSignature type is used to define the advanced characteristics of an XML signature. You can define and change the characteristics of this signature using different WLanguage properties. Note: For more details on the declaration of this type of variable and the use of WLanguage properties, see Declaring a variable.
MySignature is xmlSignature
MySignature.AlgorithmNormalization = atC14NExclusiveWithComments
MySignature.AlgorithmSignature = saRSA_SHA_160
MySignature.Key = MyCertificate
Add(MySignature.Reference, myReference)
MySignature.KeyInformation[1].Type = informationKeyX509
MyRequest is wsRequest
MySecurity is Security
id is string = GetGUID(guidFormatted)
id = "_" + Middle(id, 2, Length(id) - 2)
cMySignature is xmlSignature
cMySignature.AlgorithmNormalization = atC14NExclusive
cMySignature.AlgorithmSignature = saRSA_SHA_256
cMySignature.Key = fExeDir + fSep + "mykey.p12"
cMySignature.KeyPassword = "password"
cMySignature.KeyFileType = tfcPKCS12
cMySignature.Reference[1].HashAlgorithm = HA_SHA_256
cMySignature.Reference[1].URI = "#" + id
cMySignature.Reference[1].Transformation[1] = atEnveloped
cMySignature.Reference[1].Transformation[2] = atC14NExclusive
x509 is xmlSignatureInformationKeyX509
x509.WithCertificate = True
cMySignature.KeyInformation[1] = x509
dtCurrentDateTime is DateTime
MySecurity.Assertion:ID = id
MySecurity.Assertion:IssueInstant = dtCurrentDateTime
MySecurity.Assertion:Version = "2.0"
MySecurity.Assertion.Issuer = "test"
MaSecurity.Assertion.Issuer:Format = ...
SOAPAddXMLSignature(MaRequest, MySecurity.Assertion.Signature, cMySignature)
Propiedades Properties specific to xmlSignature variables The following properties can be used to define the characteristics of xmlSignature variables: | | | Property name | Type used | Effect |
AlgorithmNormalization | Integer constant | Method for standardizing the XML (C14N): - atAucune: no standardization method.
- atC14N11Inclusive: C14N11 inclusive standardization method.
- atC14N11IncludedWithComment: C14N11 inclusive standardization method with comments.
- atC14NExclu: Exclusive C14N standardization method.
- atC14NExcluAvecComment: Exclusive C14N standardization method with comments.
- atC14NInclusive: C14N inclusive standardization method.
- atC14NIncludedWithComment: C14N inclusive standardization method with comments.
| AlgorithmSignature | Integer constant | Method used for the signature: - asDSA_SHA_160: DSA encryption algorithm and SHA 160 hash algorithm.
- asECDSA_SHA_224: ECDSA encryption algorithm and SHA 224 hash algorithm.
- asECDSA_SHA_256: ECDSA encryption algorithm and SHA 256 hash algorithm.
- asECDSA_SHA_384: ECDSA encryption algorithm and SHA 384 hash algorithm.
- asECDSA_SHA_512: ECDSA encryption algorithm and SHA 512 hash algorithm.
- asRSA_SHA_160: RSA encryption algorithm and SHA 160 hash algorithm.
- asRSA_SHA_256: RSA encryption algorithm and SHA 256 hash algorithm.
- asRSA_SHA_384: RSA encryption algorithm and SHA 384 hash algorithm.
- asRSA_SHA_512: RSA encryption algorithm and SHA 512 hash algorithm.
| Key | | Certificate or key file used for the signature. - If this property corresponds to a file, the KeyFileType property must be specified.
| KeyFileType | Integer constant | If the Key property corresponds to a file, the KeyFileType property is used to define the type of file encoding: - tfcBinary: binary encoding.
- tfcDER: DER (Distinguished Encoding Rule) encoding.
- tfcPEM: PEM-type encoding.
- tfcPKCS12: PKCS12-type encoding.
- tfcPKCS8DER: PKCS8 DER encoding.
- tfcPKCS8PEM: PKCS8 PEM encoding.
| KeyInformation | Array of xmlSignatureInformationKeyX509 variables | Used to specify information about the key used. | KeyPassword | Character string or Secret string | Password used to decrypt the private key.
Novedad versión 2025Cadenas secretas: Si utiliza el almacén de cadenas secretas, el tipo de cadena secreta utilizado para este parámetro debe ser "ANSI string - Latin". Para obtener más información sobre las cadenas secretas y el almacén, consulte Almacén de cadenas secretas. | Reference | Array of xmlSignatureReference | Elements to sign. |
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