Modifies the shape currently displayed in a Shape control to get a custom shape (by specifying the coordinates of polygon points). Allows you to create your own shapes (to create charts for example). T1 is array of int = [5,5,5,505,505,505,505,5]
ShapePolygon(FRM_SansNom1, T1)
tabPoints is array of int = ...
ShapePolygon(FRM_SansNom1, tabPoints)
FRM_SansNom1.CouleurFond = PastelOrange
FRM_SansNom1.Couleur = DarkOrange
ShapePolygon(<Shape control> , <Points>)
<Shape control>: Control name Shape control to use. <Points>: Array of integers or array of points Array ot integers or array of Point variables containing the waypoints of polygon. If this array is an array of integers, the even subscript represent the X-coordinates while the odd subscripts represent the Y-coordinates of points. Observaciones The X and Y positions are relative to the control size and they are expressed in 1/1000. The initial shape is included in an area identified by a marker from (0,0) to (1000, 1000). The coordinates of the points in the new shape must be given according to this marker. Note: The first and last points indicated are automatically connected..
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