iAddAttachment (Function) Adds an attachment in a PDF file generated by a PDF print export. It must be exported: - with iDestination (iPDF or iGenericPDF constant).
- from the report viewer (also called "print preview").
- from the print mini-preview.
// PDF destination iDestination(iGenericPDF, "c:\path\pdf.pdf")
// Add an attachment iAddAttachment("c:\path\pj.xls", "Example spreadsheet", "application/vnd.ms-excel")
// Positions a bookmark and a text at 5 cm from the top of the page iYPos(50) iAddBookmark("page 1 line 1", "First line of the first page", "page1") iPrint("First line of the first page")
// End of print iEndPrinting()
Adding an attachment (as a file) to a PDF file Ocultar los detalles
iAddAttachment(<File to add> [, <Description> [, <MIME type> [, <Possible relationship>]]])
<File to add>: Character string Full or relative path of the file on disk to be added after the PDF file print generation. <Description>: Optional character string Short description of the file to add. <MIME type>: Optional character string or string constant Mime type associated to the added file: - Name of MIME type to use. More than 150 types are defined in the MIME communication standard (available on Internet). The most common values recognized by most browsers are:
- "application/pdf": PDF file (*.pdf)
- "text/html": HTML page (*.htm, *.html)
- "text/plain": text file (*.txt)
- "image/gif": GIF image (*.gif)
- "image/jpeg": JPEG image (*.jpg, *.jpeg)
- "video/mpeg": MPEG video (*.mpg, *.mpeg)
- MIME type corresponding to one of the following constants:
| | mimeTypeXMLApplication | Contenido XML. | mimeTypeBinary | Contenido binario (flujo de bytes). | mimeTypeDOC | Archivo Word (*.doc) | mimeTypeDOCX | Archivo Word (*.docx) | mimeTypeGIF | Imagen GIF (*.gif) | mimeTypeHTML | Página HTML (*.htm, *.html) | mimeTypeJPEG | Imagen JPEG (*.jpg, *.jpeg) | mimeTypeJSON | Contenido JSON. | mimeTypePDF | Documento PDF (*.pdf) | mimeTypePNG | Imagen JPEG (*.png) | mimeTypeSOAP | Contenido SOAP en formato XML. | mimeTypeText | Texto (*.txt) | mimeTypeXMLText | Texto XML | mimeTypeXLS | Archivo Excel (*.xls) | mimeTypeXLSX | Archivo Excel (*.xlsx) | mimeTypeZIP | Archivo ZIP (*.zip) |
<Possible relationship>: Optional Integer constant Novedad versión 2025Possible relationship corresponding to the value of "AFRelationship" (required to use Factur-X): | | relationshipAlternative (Default value) | File specification corresponding to an alternative content representation. Example: Audio file. | relationshipData | File specification corresponding to information used to derive a visual presentation. Example: Table or graph. | relationshipSource | File specification corresponding to the original source material for the associated content. | relationshipSupplement | File specification corresponding to an additional representation of the original source or data. | relationshipUnspecified | The relationship is unknown or cannot be described using one of the other constants. |
Adding an attachment (as a buffer) to a PDF file Ocultar los detalles
iAddAttachment(<Buffer to add> , <Attachment name> [, <Description> [, <MIME type> [, <Date created> [, <Date modified> [, <Possible relationship>]]]]])
<Buffer to add>: Buffer Content to be added after the PDF file print generation. <Attachment name>: Character string Name of the attachment that will be displayed in the PDF file. Note: You must specify the extension of the attachment. <Description>: Optional character string Short description of the content to add. <MIME type>: Optional character string or string constant Mime type associated with the added content: - Name of MIME type to use. More than 150 types are defined in the MIME communication standard (available on Internet). The most common values recognized by most browsers are:
- "application/pdf": PDF file (*.pdf)
- "text/html": HTML page (*.htm, *.html)
- "text/plain": text file (*.txt)
- "image/gif": GIF image (*.gif)
- "image/jpeg": JPEG image (*.jpg, *.jpeg)
- "video/mpeg": MPEG video (*.mpg, *.mpeg)
- MIME type corresponding to one of the following constants:
| | mimeTypeXMLApplication | Contenido XML. | mimeTypeBinary | Contenido binario (flujo de bytes). | mimeTypeDOC | Archivo Word (*.doc) | mimeTypeDOCX | Archivo Word (*.docx) | mimeTypeGIF | Imagen GIF (*.gif) | mimeTypeHTML | Página HTML (*.htm, *.html) | mimeTypeJPEG | Imagen JPEG (*.jpg, *.jpeg) | mimeTypeJSON | Contenido JSON. | mimeTypePDF | Documento PDF (*.pdf) | mimeTypePNG | Imagen JPEG (*.png) | mimeTypeSOAP | Contenido SOAP en formato XML. | mimeTypeText | Texto (*.txt) | mimeTypeXMLText | Texto XML | mimeTypeXLS | Archivo Excel (*.xls) | mimeTypeXLSX | Archivo Excel (*.xlsx) | mimeTypeZIP | Archivo ZIP (*.zip) |
<Date created>: Optional DateTime Attachment UTC creation date. <Date modified>: Optional DateTime Attachment UTC modification date. <Possible relationship>: Optional Integer constant Novedad versión 2025Possible relationship corresponding to the value of "AFRelationship" (required to use Factur-X): | | relationshipAlternative (Default value) | File specification corresponding to an alternative content representation. Example: Audio file. | relationshipData | File specification corresponding to information used to derive a visual presentation. Example: Table or graph. | relationshipSource | File specification corresponding to the original source material for the associated content. | relationshipSupplement | File specification corresponding to an additional representation of the original source or data. | relationshipUnspecified | The relationship is unknown or cannot be described using one of the other constants. |
Observaciones Format of the PDF file iAddAttachment only allows adding files to PDF and PDF/A-3b files. Reminder: You can set the PDF file generation format with iParameterPDF. Caution: PDF/A-1b does not allow you to add attachments. iAddAttachment generates a fatal error in this case. Clasificación Lógica de negocio / UI: Código neutro
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