<Source>.MigrateLinkedCompositeKey (Función)
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Migrates the values of the linked composite keys coming from a file in Hyper File 5.5 format to the HFSQL Classic format. | When should I use this function? The format of composite keys changed between Hyper File 5.5 and HFSQL Classic (single-user or multi-user). Consequence: the value of linked keys corresponding to a compound key is no longer correct after migration of files from Hyper File 5.5 format to HFSQL Classic format.. <Source>.MigrateLinkedCompositeKey changes the value of the linked keys and retrieves the value of the composite key in the linked key. Use conditions: This function must be used: - with files in HFSQL Classic format (files in 5.5 format migrated to the Classic format),
- once for each key to migrate
- just after the migration from Hyper File 5.5 to HFSQL Classic. If records are added between the migration and the call to <Source>.MigrateLinkedCompositeKey, the values of the new records may be corrupted.
Client.MigreCléComposéeReliée(Clecomp, Commande, ClecompClient)
<Result> = <Source>.MigrateLinkedCompositeKey(<Source composite key> , <Linked file> , <Linked key> [, <Progress Bar>])
<Result>: Booleano - True if the operation was performed,
- False if a problem occurs. HError returns more details about the problem.
<Source>: Tipo de fuente especificada Name of the source file for the link, containing the description of the composite key. <Source composite key>: Cadena de caracteres Name of the "Composite key" item used in the source file of the link. <Linked file>: Cadena de caracteres Name of the linked file containing the value of the composite key to migrate <Linked key>: Cadena de caracteres Name of the key item in the linked file. The value of this item must be migrated. <Progress Bar>: Nombre de ventana o control opcional Name of Progress Bar control or name of window used to show the migration progress.
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