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Nota: Estas funciones también están disponibles en la sintaxis con prefijo (Funciones HFSQL (sintaxis con prefijo)).
Las siguientes funciones se utilizan para gestionar archivos de datos HFSQL:
ConvertConvierte un valor numérico en una cadena binaria para realizar una búsqueda en una clave numérica.
HAccelerateSpeedReorganizes the internal structure of the indexes to optimize the speed for accessing the data.
HActivateAutoFilterActiva un filtro automático en los archivos relacionados al navegar por un archivo XML.
HActivateFilterActiva el filtro que se creó previamente para el archivo de datos (vista o consulta) especificado.
HActivateTriggerVuelve a activar un disparador que fue desactivado por HDeactivateTrigger.
  • the record found in memory into the data file (query or view).
  • the record found in a Record variable into the data file (query or view).
HAliasCreates a logical alias of a data file (or query) or cancels all existing aliases.
HBackwardMoves backward several records from the current position in the data file, according to a specified item.
HBuildKeyValueBuilds the value of a composite key to implement a filter (HFilter) or to perform a search (HReadSeekFirst, HReadSeekLast, etc.).
HBuildKeyValueANSIRegardless of the platform used, the data stored in the HFSQL files is in ANSI format.
HCancelAliasCancela un alias declarado previamente con la función HAlias.
HCancelDeclarationAllows you to:
HCancelSeekCancels the current search criterion.
HChangeConnectionDynamically changes the connection associated with a data file.
HChangeDirCambia la ruta de acceso a un archivo de datos (es decir, el directorio en el que se manipulará el archivo).
HChangeKeyChanges the browse item.
HChangeLocationModifica el modo de búsqueda de los archivos de datos físicos (.FIC, .NDX, etc.).
HChangeLogDirModifies the location of log files corresponding to an HFSQL data file.
HChangeNameModifies the physical name of a data file.
HChangeRplDirChanges the location of the subscriber replica description ("*.rpl" file).
HCheckInalteradoComprueba si uno o todos los registros de un archivo de datos inalterable no han sido modificados (con un editor hexadecimal, por ejemplo).
HCheckIndexChecks whether the data found in the index file (.NDX file) properly refers the data found in the data file (.FIC file).
HCheckMemoChecks the structural integrity of memos in an HFSQL data file.
HCheckStructureDefines the mode for comparing data files.
HCloseCloses either a data file or all data files opened by the current user: all corresponding physical data files are closed for the current user.
HCloseAnalysisCloses the current analysis (or all current analyses in the case of a project with multiple analyses).
HCloseConnectionCierra la conexión a una base de datos.
HCompareItemCompara dos valores ordenándolos según el elemento de índice HFSQL especificado: todas las opciones de orden especificadas para el elemento se tienen en cuenta (distinguir mayúsculas y minúsculas, puntuación, dirección del orden, lenguaje Unicode, etc.).
HComputerAlmacena un número o identificador único de equipo para usar registros y transacciones en la red.
HConnectRedefines one or more connection parameters via Native Connector (Access, SQL Server, MySQL or Oracle) or via an OLE DB access on a specific table or set of tables.
HConvertXConvierte un valor numérico en una cadena binaria para realizar una búsqueda en una clave numérica.
  • the content of the current record (loaded in memory) to the current data file record.
  • the content of the Record variable to the current data file record.
HCreateMasterReplicaCreates the description file of a Master Replica (logged replication or universal replication).
HCreateMovableReplicaCreates a movable replication.
HCreateSubscriberReplicaCreates the description file of a subscriber replica.
HCreateViewCrea una vista HFSQL.
Esta función utiliza el anterior mecanismo de vistas.
HCreationCreates an empty data file (file extension ".FIC") with index file, full-text index file and memo file if required.
HCreationIfNotFoundPerforms the following operations:
  • If the data file doesn't exist, create an empty data file (file with ".FIC" extension) with the index file, the full-text index file and the memo file if necessary.. The function is equivalent to HCreation.
  • If the data file exists, opens the data file.
HCrossCrosses a record in a data file.
HDataSourceKnownPermite saber si se ha inicializado una fuente de datos.
HDBCreationFinaliza la descripción de la estructura de un archivo de datos xBase mediante programación.
HDBDescribeFieldDescribes through programming each item found in the structure of an xBase file described by HDBDescribeFile.
HDBDescribeFileDescribes a file in dBase3 format (most common format) programmatically.
HDBDescribeIndexDescribes through programming the different index files that will be created.
HDBIndexOpens an xBase index file.
HDBOpenOpens the xBase data file and the "memo" file if it exists.
HDBOpenNoLockIn single-user mode, opens an xBase data file without locking it.
HDBSortTypeReturns or modifies the sequence of text items in the xBase files.
HDeactivateAutoFilterDesactiva un filtro automático en archivos relacionados al navegar por un archivo XML.
HDeactivateFilterTemporarily disables the filter on a data file (view or query).
HDeactivateTriggerDeshabilita un disparador.
HDeclareDeclara una descripción del archivo de datos (que esta en el análisis) en el proyecto actual.
HDeclareExternalTemporarily imports into the current analysis the description of a data file from an existing HFSQL data file.
HDeleteDeletes a record from a data file (query or view).
HDeleteAllDeletes all records from a data file, an HFSQL view or a query.
HDeleteTriggerElimina un desencadenador.
HDeleteViewDeletes a previously created view. This function uses the former view mechanism.
HDescribeConnectionDescribes a new connection to an external database.
HDescribeFileDescribes a data file programmatically.
HDescribeFullTextIndexDescribes a full-text index of data file created programmatically.
HDescribeItemDescribes a file item programmatically.
HDescribeLinkDescribes a link between two data files programmatically.
HDescribeTriggerAdds or modifies a trigger on an HFSQL data file.
HDuplicateRecordDuplicates the record read in a data file: the record found in memory is added into the data file (query or view).
HEndNoModifUnlocks a file that was locked by the same program with HNoModif.
HErrorDevuelve el número del último error provocado por el motor HFSQL.
HErrorDuplicatesPermite verificar si se produjo un error duplicados.
HErrorInfoDevuelve información detallada sobre el último error originado por el motor HFSQL.
HErrorIntegrityPermite saber si se produjo un error de integridad.
HErrorLockUsed to check whether a lock error occurred.
HErrorModificationAllows you to:
  • return the value of a record item if a modification conflict occurs.
  • check if a modification conflict occurred.
HErrorPasswordTras la ejecución de una función de lectura o escritura en un archivo de datos, se utiliza para averiguar si se ha producido un error causado por una contraseña incorrecta en este archivo de datos..
HErrorStatusModificationDevuelve el estado de un registro durante un conflicto de modificación.
HExecuteQueryDeclares a query created in the query editor to the HFSQL engine and runs this query.
HExecuteQueryAsynchronousExecutes a SELECT query asynchronously.
HExecuteSQLQueryInitializes a query written in SQL language and declares this query to the HFSQL engine.
HExecuteSQLQueryAsynchronousExecutes an SQL query asynchronously.
HExecuteViewEjecuta una vista que fue creada de antemano (se puede utilizar para refrescar los datos de la vista, por ejemplo). Esta función utiliza el anterior mecanismo de vistas.
HExportCSVExports the records found in a data file (HFSQL or OLE DB), a view or a query to a CSV file.
HExportJSONExports the records found in a data file (HFSQL or OLE DB), view or query to a JSON file.
HExportJSONStringExporta los registros de un archivo de datos (HFSQL u OLE DB), vista o consulta a una cadena JSON.
HExportXLSExports records from a data file (HFSQL or OLE DB), view or query to an Excel file (XLSX).
HExportXMLExports the records found in a data file (HFSQL or OLE DB), view or query to an XML file.
HExtractMemoExtrae el contenido de un campo de tipo memo binario de un archivo de datos, consulta o vista HFSQL a un archivo físico (en el disco).
  • whether a file exists, which means whether it was physically created (HCreation or HCreationIfNotFound).
  • whether a view or a query was defined.
HFilterDefines and enables a filter on a data file, view or query.
HFilterContainsDefines and enables a "Contains" filter on a data file, view or query.
HFilterIdenticalDefines and enables a filter used to find the exact value of a string item.
HFilterIncludedBetweenDefines and enables an "Included between" filter on a file, view or query.
HFilterStartsWithDefines and enables a "Start with" filter on a file, view or query.
HFirstSets the position on the first record of a data file according to the specified browse item.
HFlushForces the operating system of the computer where the data files are found to write data onto the disk.
HForwardMoves several records forward from the current position in the data file, according to a specified item.
HFoundChecks whether the current record corresponds to the current filter or search.
HFreeTransforms the crossed records (HCross) into deleted records.
HFreePositionBorra una posición guardada por HSavePosition.
HFreeQueryReleases query resources (following use of HExecuteQuery or HExecuteSQLQuery functions).
HFTListWordDevuelve una lista de las palabras del registro actual que tendrá en cuenta el índice de texto completo.
HGetCurrentPositionReturns the approximate position of current record in the data file.
HHistoryModificationReturns the modifications performed on one or more items of a given record. The result can be displayed in a list box or in a table to allow the user to view the modifications made to the specified file.
Novedad versión 2025
Importa un archivo CSV en un archivo de datos HFSQL Classic o Client/Server. Este archivo de datos debe haberse definido en el editor de análisis, o declarado con las funciones HDeclare, HDeclareExternal o HDescribeFile).
HImportHF55Imports a Hyper File 5.5 file into an HFSQL Classic file.
HImportJSONImports a JSON file into an HFSQL Classic data file. This data file must have been defined in the data model editor, or declared with HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDescribeFile).
HImportTextImports a Text file into an HFSQL Classic or Client/Server data file. This data file must have been defined in the data model editor, or declared with HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDescribeFile).
HImportXLSImporta un archivo XLS a un archivo de datos en formato HFSQL Classic o Client/Server (archivo de datos descrito en el editor de análisis, o declarado por las funciones HDeclare, HDeclareExternal o HDescribeFile).
HImportXMLImports an XML file into an HFSQL Classic or Client/Server data file. This data file must have been defined in the data model editor, or declared with HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDescribeFile).
HIndexRebuilds the file index (".NDX" file).
HIndexingInProgressIndicates that a reindex operation is currently performed on an HFSQL data file and returns the percentage of reindexing already performed.
HInfoAnalysisReturns information about an analysis (WDD file).
HInfoFileReturns the characteristics of an HFSQL Classic or Client/Server data file.
HInfoMemoReturns the characteristics of binary and text memos.
HInfoReplicaReturns information about the specified replica.
HInitHF55Used to access specific functions for managing xBase (or dBase) data if Native xBase Access provided with WINDEV or WEBDEV 14 is not available.
HInitSubscriberInitializes the range of automatic identifiers for the description file of subscriber replica (".rpl" extension).
HJSONToRecordImporta datos JSON al registro actual.
HLastSets the position on the last record of a data file according to a browse item.
HLinkMemoPermite asociar un archivo a un campo de tipo memo binario o cancelar la asociación existente entre un archivo y un campo binario.
HListAnalysisReturns the list of WINDEV or WEBDEV analyses (in HFSQL Classic format) available in a given directory.
HListConnectionReturns the list of connections currently described in the application:
  • connections described in the data model editor (for the main analysis and additional analyses if required).
  • connections described by programming (with functions HDescribeConnection or HOpenConnection).
HListCustomFolderReturns a list of defined Custom-Folders (also called groups):
  • in the current analysis,
  • in ongoing analyses (case of projects with multiple analyses).
  • in the specified analysis.
HListFileReturns the list of files:
  • analysis in progress.
  • of analyses in progress (case of projects with multiple analyses).
  • specific analysis recognized by the HFSQL engine.
  • available on a connection via a Native Connector or an OLE DB driver.
  • for a group of files defined in the data model editor.
HListFullTextIndexReturns the list of full-text indexes of a file (a query or a view) recognized by the HFSQL engine.
HListItemDevuelve la lista de artículos:
  • encontrada en un fichero de datos ( una consulta o una vista) conocido por el motor HFSQL. Los archivos de datos definidos por las funciones HDeclare, HDeclareExternal y HDescribeFile se tienen en cuenta.
  • encontrado en una variable Record.
HListKeyReturns the list of keys in a data file (query or view) recognized by the HFSQL engine.
HListLinkReturns the list of data file bindings (Merise type) present:
  • in the current analysis,
  • in ongoing analyses (projects with multiple analyses).
  • in a specific analysis.
HListProviderDevuelve la lista de proveedores OLE DB y/o Native Connectors instalados en el equipo actual.
HListQueryParameterDevuelve la lista de parámetros de una consulta creada en el editor de consultas.
HListREPReturns the list of assignments for the data files handled by the current application, which means the list of physical files corresponding to the files described in the analysis.
HListSpatialKeysDevuelve las claves espaciales de un archivo de datos (de una consulta o vista) reconocidas por el motor HFSQL.
HListStopWordReturns the list of stop words used by a full-text index.
HListSynonymDevuelve la lista de sinónimos utilizados por un índice de texto completo.
HListTriggerReturns the list of triggers applied to one or more HFSQL data files.
HLockFileBloquea un archivo de datos e impide que los demás sitios o aplicaciones accedan a él.
HLockRecNumLocks a record and restricts the access to this record for all the other applications.
HLogInfoAgrega comentarios al registro al guardar la operación.
HLogRecreateUsed to recreate an empty log.
HLogRestartReinicia el registro del archivo.
HLogStopDetiene el registro del archivo.
HMergeViewCreates an HFSQL view from two previously created views (HCreateView). This function uses the former view mechanism.
HMigrateLinkedCompositeKeyMigrates the values of the linked composite keys coming from a file in Hyper File 5.5 format to the HFSQL Classic format.
HModeChanges the mode and the method for locking data files.
HModifyModifica el registro especificado o el que esta en la memoria en el archivo de datos (consulta o vista).
HModifyStructureUsed to update the structure of an HFSQL data file by performing an automatic data modification (also called data synchronization).
HNbRecReturns the number of records in an HFSQL file, query or view: active records, deleted records, etc.
HNextEstablece la posición en el siguiente registro del archivo de datos según un campo de navegación.
HNoModifForbids all the modifications on a data file (for all the programs, including the one that requested the no-modification policy).
HOnErrorCustomizes the management of HFSQL errors.
HOpenOpens a data file.
HOpenAnalysisOpens an analysis in HFSQL Classic format.
HOpenComplementaryAnalysisAbre un nuevo análisis, pero conserva el análisis principal de la aplicación.
HOpenConnectionOpens a connection to a specific database.
HOptimizePermite utilizar los períodos de inactividad de un software (período sin procesos) para optimizar las consultas y navegaciones que se ejecutarán más adelante.
HOptimizeQueryOptimiza las consultas de selección mediante el uso de tiempos de inactividad al gestionar una aplicación (período sin procesos).
HOutUsed to find out whether the record on which you want to be positioned is located outside the data file, filter, view or query.
HPassDefines the password used to create or open a data file.
HPrepareQueryInitializes a query and declares this query to the database server in order to optimize the next executions of this query.
HPrepareSQLQueryInitializes a query written in SQL language and declares this query to the database server in order to optimize the next executions of this query.
HPreviousSets the position on the previous record of the data file according to a browse item.
HQueryExecutedDetermina si se ha ejecutado una consulta.
HReadReads a record in a file according to a given record number.
HReadFirstPositions on the first file record according to a browse item.
HReadLastSets the position on the last record of a data file according to a browse item.
HReadNextSets the position on the next data file record according to a browse item.
HReadPreviousSets the position on the previous record of a file according to a browse item.
HReadSeekSets the position on the first record whose value for a specific item is greater than or equal to a sought value (generic search).
HReadSeekFirstSets the position on the first record whose value for a specific item is strictly equal to a sought value (exact-match search).
HReadSeekLastSets the position on the last record whose value for a specific item is less than or equal to a sought value (exact-match search).
  • the number of the current record in the HFSQL data file.
  • the number of the current record in the HFSQL view.
HRecordDateDevuelve la fecha y hora en que se modificó por última vez un registro HFSQL (Clásico o Cliente/Servidor).
HRecordToJSONRetrieves the structure and value of the current record and exports them into a string in JASON format.
HRecordToStringConverts the content of the current record to string (in a data file, HFSQL view, query, etc.).
HRecordToXMLRetrieves the structure and the value of the current record and exports them into a character string in XML format.
HRecreateSubscriberReplicaRecreates the subscriber replica description file (universal replication only) based on the information of the master replica (.rpm and .syn files).
HRefreshViewAsks to recalculate the content of a materialized view.
HRegenerateFileVuelve a generar un archivo de datos a partir de su registro.
  • one or all variables of file items with their default values.
  • one or all items of a Record variable with their default values.
HRestorePositionRestores the previously saved context of a file (function HSavePosition): recording in progress, filter, playback pointers.
HRetrieveItemReturns the content of an item found in the current record (in the data file, view, query, ...).
HRetrieveRecordReturns the content of the current record (in a file, a view or a query, ...).
HRplDeclareLinkDeclares a (1, 1) (0, n) link between two tables.
HRplManageFileDefine las opciones utilizadas para la replicación universal de un archivo:
  • la dirección de replicación.
  • el modo de gestión de los conflictos.
HRplManageItemEspecifica las opciones de replicación de un elemento: el elemento puede replicarse o no.
HRplPassEstablece las contraseñas que protegen los archivos de la replicación universal.
HSaveModifica el registro actual si existe, si no existe, agrega un nuevo registro.
HSavePositionStores the current file context (current record, filter, pointers).
HSecurityActiva o desactiva el mecanismo de seguridad automática en uno o más archivos de datos.
HSeekPositions on the first record of the data file whose value for a specific item is greater than or equal to a search value (generic search by default).
HSeekFirstPositions on the first file record whose value for a specific item is greater than or equal to a sought value.
HSeekLastSets the position on the last file record whose value for a specific item is less than or equal to a sought value.
HSetDuplicatesEnables or disables the management of duplicates on a unique key.
HSetIntegrityEnables or disables the management of an integrity constraint on a file link.
HSetLogEnables or disables log management on a file.
HSetMemoUsed to modify the management mode of memo items.
HSetPositionSets the position on a record, based on the approximate position of one of its items.
HSetREPEnables or disables the management of .REP files.
HSetReplicationTemporarily disables (or re-enables) the replication.
HSetTransactionEnables or disables the management of transactions for one or more files.
HSetTriggerEnables or disables the management of triggers.
HSortViewSorts an HFSQL view by creating an index on a view item. This function uses the former view mechanism.
HStatCalculatePerforms various statistical calculations on the file keys.
HStatDateReturns the date of the last update for the index statistics.
HStatePermite conocer el estado de un registro.
HStatNbDuplicatesReturns the number of duplicates for a given key item.
HStatNbRecDevuelve el número de entradas para un elemento clave determinado.
HStatNbRecRangeDevuelve una estimación del número de entradas para un elemento clave en un intervalo de valores determinado.
HStatTimeReturns the time of the last update for the index statistics.
HSubstDirAssociates the data directory specified in the analysis with a directory found on disk.
HSynchronizeReplicaSynchronizes master and subscriber replicas: operations performed on one replica are transferred to the other.
HToFileCopies a data source (file, query, view, ...) to a physical HFSQL file with the same description. This file is neither encrypted nor password protected.
HToItemAssigns the specified value to an item of the current record.
HTransacciónInicia una transacción en los archivos de datos (HFSQL o accedido a través de una Conector Nativo) y crea el archivo de transacción.
HTransactionCancelIf a transaction is in progress, cancels all the operations performed on the data files in transaction since the start of transaction.
HTransactionEndValidates the current transaction:
  • the modifications performed on the data file since the start of transaction (HTransactionStart) are validated.
  • the transaction file is deleted (if the transaction is the last transaction in progress for a network application)
  • the records locked in read-only by the transaction are unlocked.
HTransactionFreeTransforms all "in transaction" records into "normal" records if they do not belong to a transaction currently in progress.
HTransactionInProgressUsed to find out whether a transaction is in progress.
HTransactionInterruptedPermite saber si se interrumpió una transacción (la transacción no se validó, ni se canceló).
HTransactionStartStarts a transaction on the data files (HFSQL or accessed via a Native Connector) and creates the transaction file.
HTriggerRecordBeforeRecupera el valor de la Record actual antes de que se ejecuten los disparadores.
HUnlockFileUnlocks the records of a data file:
  • locked by HLockFile.
  • individually locked by a locking read function.
HUnlockRecNumUnlocks a record locked by:
  • HLockRecNum,
  • a read function used with a locking parameter (HRead associated with the hLockWrite or hLockReadWrite constant for example).
HVersionUsed to find out:
  • whether the content of a file was modified.
  • whether the content of a file used by a query was modified.
HViewToFileSaves the modifications performed in an HFSQL view (by HModify, HDelete or HCross) in the corresponding data file. This function uses the former view mechanism.
HWriteWrites a record into a data file without updating the indexes corresponding to all keys used in the file.
WithSpaceAdds or deletes the spaces found on the right of a text item when reading it.
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 9
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Última modificación: 31/10/2024

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