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Ayuda / Desarrollar una aplicación o un sitio web / Controles, ventanas y páginas / Controles: tipos disponibles / Control .Net (WPF) / Control Xaml
  • Overview of the control
  • Notes
  • .Net controls
  • Limitations
  • Simulating the absence of .Net 3.0 framework
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Overview of the control
Attention: The Xaml field present until WINDEV 15 is now called ".NET 3.0, 4.0, ... (WPF)" FIELD.. In this documentation, we will be using the term of ".Net control (WPF)". The .Net control (WPF) (also called "XAML") is used to easily manage the .NET controls in WPF format (for .NET 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0) and especially the Xaml language.
To use this control, we strongly advise you to check the Microsoft documentation.
To create a DotNet field (WPF):
  1. On the "Creación" tab, in the "Otros controles" group, click "XAML".
  2. Click at the desired location to create the control. The control appears in the editor.
To view the characteristics of the control, select "Description" in the context menu.

.Net controls

To use the.Net controls, WINDEV proposes:


The limitations of the .Net control (WPF) are as follows:
  • The .Net framework version 3.0 (or later) must be installed on the computer. This framework is included in Vista and it can be downloaded for Windows XP (from the Microsoft site).
    The first use of a control that requires this framework (Carousel control, Cube control, ".NET 3.0, 4.0, ... control (WPF)") loads this framework, which may cause delay (out of our control).
  • The application cannot be started from the network.
  • The DDW feature is disabled for all the windows containing a ".NET 3.0, 4.0, ... control (WPF)".
  • This control does not work under TSE.
  • This control uses the wd300xaml.dll library. This library cannot be renamed when creating the executable.

Simulating the absence of .Net 3.0 framework

When developing an application that contains a .Net control (WPF), it may be useful to find out how the application will operate when it is started on a computer not equipped with the .Net 3.0 framework (or later).
To simulate the absence of the framework on a computer:
  • use the XamlDisable function.
  • rename the following registry key: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v3.0".
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 11
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Última modificación: 30/09/2024

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