Ayuda / Conceptos WINDEV / Parte 7 - Anexos
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Procedimientos almacenados
1. Componentes proporcionados con WINDEV
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WINDEV es proporcionado con proyectos que contienen componentes. Estos proyectos incluyen:
  • una configuración de proyecto que corresponde al componente.
  • una configuración de proyecto que corresponde al uso del componente.
  • un componente interno.
La lista de los principales componentes proporcionados con WINDEV es la siguiente:
WD BGInfoThis example explains how to write information on the background screen of a computer (IP address, name of the computer, today's date, etc.).
This feature can be easily included in an existing application by using the internal component found in this example.  

WD CommunicationThis example explains how to use the Communication component.
This component is used to establish a communication between two distinct applications.
These two applications can be found:
  - either on remote computers,
  - or on the same computer.
If the applications are found on two distinct computers, the component is using the sockets (WLanguage SocketXxx functions) to communicate.
If the applications are found on the same computer, the component is using the Windows messages to communicate

WD Email address autocompleteThe Entering emails component enables you to easily enter emails.
The example of the component enables you to specify the email addresses of several customers.
The assisted input uses the information found on the customer form to help you enter the emails.
WD EventLogWD EventLog
This example shows how to use the component for system event log management.
In this example, we will cover two main topics:
1/ viewing events saved in Windows logs
2/ adding events to the Windows Application log
Summary of the example provided with WINDEV:
This example shows how to use the component to view and modify logs
WD Explorer BarThe WD Explorer Bar component is used to manage an address bar similar to the address bar of the explorer found in Windows Vista.
This address bar (also called 'Explorer Breadcrumb') is used to easily navigate in a treeview.
You have the ability to add elements by programming, like a TreeView control.
You also have the ability to fill the address bar via a TreeView control, and even from one or more HFSQL data files.
The navigation in the bar is automatically managed by the component via an internal window.
You also have the ability to branch the call to a WLanguage user procedure when an element is clicked.
WD ExtractionWD Extraction
The extraction of the file content depends on its structure.
For some types of files, WINDEV proposes WLanguage functions used to extract their content: HTMLToText, XMLToText , PDFToText (from WINDEV 14), etc.
However, for the other files, you will have to identify their structures and program the extraction according to these structures.
It may be interesting to store the content of a file in order to perform full-text searches thereafter.
This example allows you to easily extract and store the content of various documents (Open Office, Word 2007, ...) in order to find the requested ones via the full-text search.  

WD Floating WindowsThe "Floating windows" component is used to display temporary information to the user without disrupting his work.
Unlike the BalloonTip, the floating help requires no icon in the taskbar. It can be displayed in any window, including your WINDEV windows.
WD GlossaryThis example presents the use of the "WD Glossary" component.
It allows the application users to classify and store the frequently used sentences.
This component allows the application users to easily access a customizable "Glossary". All the glossary entries can be classified in a tree structure
WD HTML Page ImportThis example explains how HTML pages can be imported with the WLanguage functions.
The following topics are presented in this example:
1/ how to import an object found on a Web site
2/ how to analyze an HTML file
Summary of the example supplied with WINDEV:  
This example is used to save locally an HTML page found on a Web site.
This page is analyzed in order to import all its dependencies (images, applets, and so on). This example is not a Web grabber. It can only be used to download the pages one by one.
The principle used in this example can also be used to retrieve informations from pages whose format is recognized (example: daily retrieval of share values)
WD LastDocumentsThis example explains how the list of last opened documents can be added to the application menu.
This insertion is performed via a class proposed in the "LastDocuments" component.
Four code lines are sufficient to insert the list of last opened documents into an existing application.
These processes can be found in:
  - the declaration code of the global variables of the main window,
  - the code of the OpenDocument procedure,
  - the code of the menu options "File 1" to "File 10".
The example has been simplified regarding the number of features (text files only) in order to highlight the use of the component.
WD LimitationLimitation
Limiting an application may be useful. Indeed, you may have to create an application in trial version.
The Limitation component is used to limit an application according to different methods:
  - Limitation regarding the duration (Application limited to 30 days)
  - Limitation regarding the number of users (An application cannot be run by more than N users)
WD PhotocopierThe Photocopier component enables you to photocopy documents via a scanner and a printer. The scanner must be Twain-compatible in order for the component to operate.
This component can be used in two modes:
- With an interface used to define some parameters such as the lightness or the number of copies.
- Without interface. The parameters of the computer will be used by default. You also have the ability to pass custom parameters
WD PrintModelThis example presents the use of the PrintModel component.
This component is used to manage a list of printout models.
A printout model groups the different parameters of the printout (Portrait/Landscape, Color/W&B, Number of copies, and so on)
With this component, no need to configure the printouts whenever you want to print.
WD Printout ParametersThis example is used to illustrate the iParameter function.
This function is used to retrieve the different settings defined for a given printer.

The default printer settings can be modified in Windows directly.
Caution, these settings will be used in all your applications.

Managing the network printers:
To modify the default settings of a printer network, make sure that you have the rights for "Managing printers". Otherwise, the modifications made will be ignored.    

WD PrintSpoolerThis example presents the use of the PrintSpooler component.
This example allows you to propose to the user the printers that are not very much used at this time.
WD Progress barsThis example presents the use of progress bars in the windows and it proposes a component to automatically manage a simple or dual progress bar that displays the remaining time or the number of process steps.

WD Select RTFThis example, via the use of a component, allows you to perform all types of searches in an RTF control. Fior example, you have the ability to find:
- the words written in bold,
- the words written in italic,
- the words written in a specific color,
- a character string containing specific words.
WD SignatureThe WD Signature component allows you to easily include a ready-to-use "Signature" control in your WINDEV applications.
This control is very useful for the applications intended to be run on touch devices, TabletPC on Windows XP, interactive kiosks...

WD SimplexeWD Simplexe
In most cases, this algorithm is used to solve production industrial problems.
It is used to define an optimum economic while taking the constraints into account.
The Simplexe component includes a set of procedures allowing you to define your constraints and to solve the linear problem.
This example explains how to use the Simplexe component by being based on a company that manufacturers televisions and that must optimize its benefits in relation to the quantity of available material.
You will also have the ability to define your own constraints.  

WD SocketsThis example proposes a component allowing two applications to communicate by using sockets.

WD SystemInfoWD SystemInfo
This example explains how to use the SystemInfo component.
The following topics are presented in this example:
1/ getting information about the operating system
2/ getting information about the user
3/ the browse of the network neighborhood by programing
Summary of the example supplied with WINDEV:  
This example presents the features of the SystemInfo component.
A window containing three tabs is opened when starting the example.
Each tab presents one of the component features.
1/ Getting information about the operating system
The functions supplied in the SystemInfo component (see its documentation for more details) are used to get various information about the operating system and the computer: system version, makes and number of processors, amount of physical memory installed, etc.
2/ Getting information about the user
The SystemInfo component can also be used to find out (on the NT, 2000 and XP systems only) the name of the user in session as well as the list of local groups and the list of domain groups to which he belongs.
3/ The browse of the network neighborhood by programming
The third feature proposed by the component is used to browse the network neighborhood of the computer by programming. The returned information depend on the network client used (Microsoft client or Novell client for example) and it is used to enumerate the resources found on the local network: computers, printers, shared disks, etc.

The modification of the source code of the example and/or component must be performed by an experienced user only. Indeed, unexpected modifications may cause a loss of data and/or an inconstancy of your system
WD Touch ScreenThis example presents the interfacing of a touchscreen that can replace the standard keyboard.
This keyboard enables you to use a WINDEV application on a computer not equipped with a keyboard.
WD Trace SocketThe purpose of this example is to trace everything that occurs on a communication via socket, on a specific address, on a specific port. This example allows you to understand the principle of dialog via socket between two applications.
Therefore, in the applications that dialog via socket, even if no trace option as implemented by the developers, you will have he ability to view all the exchanges performed on the socket.
This example also enables you to understand the operating mode of the network protocols based on the sockets: POP3, SMTP, FTP, HTTP, and so on.
Note for the users who are experienced in network communication:
This example does not allow you to trace the UDP packages (only the TCP communications can be traced).
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Última modificación: 26/01/2023

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