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Ayuda / WLanguage / Funciones WLanguage / Controles, páginas y ventanas / Funciones Editor de diagramas / Tipos de variables
  • WLanguage properties that can be used with the diagPoint type
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diagPoint (Variable type)
The diagSelection type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a point in a diagram. You can define and change the characteristics of this point using different WLanguage properties.
Note: For more details on the declaration of this type of variable and the use of WLanguage properties, see Declaring a variable.
MyShape is diagPolygon
// Set dimensions, position ...
MyShape.Point[1].X = 0
MyShape.Point[1].Y = 0
MyShape.Point[2].X = 25
MyShape.Point[2].Y = 25
MyShape.Point[3].X = 50
MyShape.Point[3].Y = 75
MyShape.Point[4].X = 100
MyShape.Point[4].Y = 20
MyShape.X = 50
MyShape.Y = 100
MyShape.Width = 350
MyShape.Height = 150
MyShape.Open = True
// Reference the displayed diagram
MyDiagram is Diagram <- DIAGEDT_MyDiagram
// Add the rectangle shape to the diagram
Add(MyDiagram.Shape, MyShape)

WLanguage properties that can be used with the diagPoint type

The following properties can be used to handle diagPoint variables:
Property nameEffect
XX-coordinate of the point, expressed in pixels.
XPercentX-coordinate of the point, expressed as a percentage.
YY-coordinate of the point, expressed in pixels.
YPercentY-coordinate of the point, expressed as a percentage.

Note: The initial value of a point is (0,0).
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  • Versión 27
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Última modificación: 30/09/2024

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