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Ayuda / Editores / Editor de análisis  / Modelo Lógico de Datos
  • Types of items
  • Array items
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Procedimientos almacenados
Types of items
The different types of items proposed in the data model editor are as follows:
TypeUsed to store:
Textalphanumeric characters
  • String: a character string containing up to 65.535 characters. This character string is in Ansi format.
  • Text memo: a character string of 4 GB maximum. The RTF format is supported. This text memo is in Ansi format.
  • Character: a single character (initialized by a binary 0, Charact(0)).
  • Unicode: a character string in Unicode format.
  • Unicode text memo: a character string of 4 GB maximum. This text memo is in Unicode format.
Digitala numeric value
  • Signed 1-byte integer: value included between -128 and 127
  • Signed 2-byte integer: value included between -32.768 and 32.767
  • Signed 4-byte integer: value included between
    -2.147.483.648 and 2.147.483.647
  • Signed 8-byte integer: value included between -9.223.372.036.854.775.808 and 9.223.372.036.854.775.807
  • Unsigned 1-byte integer: value included between 0 and 255
  • Unsigned 2-byte integer: value included between 0 and 65.535
  • Unsigned 4-byte integer: value included between 0 and 4.294.967.296
  • Unsigned 8-byte integer: value between 0 and 18.446.744.073.709.551.615
  • 4-byte real: value included between -3,4e+38 and +3.4e+38
  • 8-byte real: value included between -1,79e+308 and +1.79e+308
  • Decimal (WLanguage numeric): a decimal can contain up to 38 significant digits.
Currencya currency
A currency can contain up to 24 significant digits (up to 18 digits for the integer part and up to 6 digits for the decimal part) and it can take a value between -604 462 909 807 314 587,353 087 and +604 462 909 807 314 587,353 087.
Datea date or a duration
  • Date (YYYYMMDD): a date in YYYYMMDD format (dates included between 01/01/0001 and 31/12/9999)
  • Date and Time: a date-time (included between 01/01/0001 at 00:00 and 31/12/9999 at 23:59). The precision is up to the millisecond.
  • Duration: a duration in milliseconds (included between
    -9.223.372.036.854.775.808 and 9.223.372.036.854.775.807).
Time of daya time
  • Time (HH): Time included between 00H and 23H
  • Time (HHMM): Time included between 00H00 and 23H59. The precision is up to the minute.
  • Time (HHMMSS): Time included between 00H00min00ss and 23H59mn59ss. The precision is up to the second.
  • Time (HHMMSSCC): Time included between 00H00min00ss00hs and 23H59mn59ss59hs. The precision is up to the tenth of a second.
Tip: To keep a time with a precision to the hundredth of a second, use the "Date and Time" type.
Booleana boolean (1: True and 0: False)
Sound, image, binary, ...a binary file or string
  • Image (binary memo): an image file
  • Sound (binary memo): a sound file
  • OLE (binary memo): an OLE file
  • Other binary memo: any type of file
  • Binary string: a string in binary format
Check Boxa value associated with a Check Box control
  • Check Box: a boolean (1: True and 0: False)
  • Unsigned 1-byte integer: value included between 0 and 255
Radio Button, List Box, Combo Boxa value associated with a Radio Button control, a List Box control or a Combo Box control.
You have the ability to select the following sub-type:
  • 1-byte integer: an index corresponding to a list of values. The value of this index ranges from -128 to 127
  • 2-byte integer: an index corresponding to a list of values. The value of this index ranges from -32.768 to 32.767
  • 4-byte integer: an index corresponding to a list of values. The value of this index is between
    -2.147.483.648 and 2.147.483.647
  • Unsigned 1-byte integer: an index corresponding to a list of values. The value of this index ranges from 0 to 255
Automatic IDthe identifier of each file record.
Its value is automatically updated by the engine of the HFSQL database.
  • Automatic identifier (4 bytes): the identifier of each record (value included between 0 and 2.147.483.647)
    This type corresponds to the "Identifier" type of WINDEV 5.5
  • Automatic identifier (8 bytes): the identifier of each record (value included between 0 and 9.223.372.036.854.775.807)
  • Automatic UUID (128 bits): the identifier of each record corresponds to a 128-bit UUID. In this case, the UUID is used to obtain a non-sequential unique identifier.
  • Automatic UUID (256 bits): the identifier of each record corresponds to a 256-bit UUID. In this case, the UUID is used to obtain a non-sequential unique identifier.
Remark: The same record can have an automatic UUID and an automatic Identifier (for example, to simplify migration).
XMLan XML character string (4 GB maximum). This string is stored as a text memo.
Full-text indexthe different elements of the full-text index. The full-text index can include text items or text memo items.
For more details on how to create a full-text index in the analysis, see Search and full-text index.
Enumeration, Combination
  • Enumeration: an integer value among the possible values defined in the enumeration associated with the item.
  • Combination: an integer value representing a combination of possible values defined in the combination associated with the item.
For details on how to create an Enumeration or Combination item, see Enumeration and Combination items.
Formulaa character string in SQL language representing a calculation formula. The formula can use SQL functions and/or WLanguage functions (WL.). Only the formula is stored, the value is calculated when accessing the record in read-only.
For example, calculating the age from the DateOfBirth item of the file. The value will be calculated in the data file directly.
- CAST(TO_CHAR(datenaissance,'YYYY') AS int)
However, the calculated value can be stored in the file to avoid having to perform the calculation again.
You have the ability to store the formula in Unicode: the calculation will be faster but a bigger space will be occupied by the formula.
If the record is modified, the calculation formula is re-run in order to update the buffer of the data file with the new value.
Caution: The NULL management complies with the SQL standard. For example, if an expression adds the NULL value to a value, the result corresponds to the NULL value.
Timestampa DateTime or a Date or a Time representing the creation date of the record or the date of the last modification performed on the record.
It is possible to choose:
  • whether the creation date or the last modification date must be saved.
  • whether the local time or the UTC time must be used.
This type of item is also called "Automatic DateTime item".
UUIDa UUID. A UUID (Universal Unique IDentifier) is a random number deemed unique. A UUID is useful to easily and reliably identify any element.
It is possible to choose:
  • a 128-bit UUID. This type of UUID item complies with the 128-bit RFC 4122 standard. Only the 128-bit UUID is standardized.
  • a 256-bit UUID.
To manage an automatic identifier of type UUID (automatically initialized by HFSQL), it is necessary to use an item of type "Identifier", with the "Automatic UUID" subtype.
Remark: The major interest of UUID is to allow anonymization and pseudonymization, useful for compliance with the GDPR standard. The UUID also allows you to manage cryptocurrency identifiers.
JSONa JSON string. This type of item can contain NULL, an empty string or a valid JSON. JSON is automatically verified when the record is written.
This type of item is used with JSON SQL functions in particular.
Passworda string used as a password.
The string contained in this item is salted and hashed. The result of these operations is stored in the item, as well as the salt and the type of algorithm used. It is not possible to reconstruct the original password using this data..
This password cannot be displayed to the user.
It is possible to choose:
  • the key derivation function,
  • the hash algorithm,
  • the number of iterations,
  • the output length.
For more details, see Type of heading: Secure password.
Novedad versión 2024
Geometric data
geometric data, using a Euclidean reference frame. This data may correspond to one of the following subtypes:
  • 2-dimensional stitch,
  • 2-dimensional polyline,
  • Polygon in 2 dimensions,
  • MultiPoint in 2 dimensions,
  • MultiPolyline in 2 dimensions,
  • MultiPolygon in 2 dimensions.
This type of heading can be a spatial key.
Novedad versión 2024
Geographic data
geographic data, using geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude). This data may correspond to one of the following subtypes:
  • Geographic point,
  • Geographic polyline,
  • Polygon geographic,
  • Geographic MultiPoint,
  • Geographic MultiLinestring,
  • Geographic MultiPolygon.
This type of heading can be a spatial key.
Novedad versión 2024
Any type of geometric or geographic data
geometric or geographic data. In this case, the data corresponds to an Geometry (2-dimensional or geographic)..

Remark: Unicode items are managed by the wdxxxuni.dll library. This library is not available in WINDEV Mobile.

Array items

Some types of items can correspond to an array: the item content will be indexed.
To define an Array item:
  1. Create an item. The following types of items can correspond to an array: Text, Numeric, Currency, Date, Time, Boolean, Check Box.
  2. In the item description:
    • Check "Array" and specify the array dimension.
      Caution: The array dimension is fixed. The corresponding space is reserved even if the item is not filled.
    • The actual item size is displayed.
  3. Specify (if necessary) the default values of each array element.
  4. Validez.
  • The first index starts at 1.
  • The following syntax is used to handle array items: <File name>.<Item name>[<Index>]
  • Caution: This type of item is kept for backward compatibility. Most of SQL databases do not support this type of items.
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 9
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Formula not working
With new features, like Formula, is it at all possible to provide a working example???
01 12 2016

Última modificación: 12/03/2024

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