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Calculates the width (in pixels) of the text displayed in an edit control, in a Combo Box control or in a Static Text control. This allows you to predict the width occupied by the text in order to enlarge the control if necessary.
ResNbPixels is real = TexteLargeur(SAI_Saisie1, "Bonjour")
<Result> = TextWidth(<Control name> , <Text> [, <Options>])
<Result>: Real
Width of the text (in pixels) in the specified control (according to the control style).
You can get the width in millimeters by using the following formula:
<Nb pixels> = <Screen resolution>*<Nb millimeters>/25.4
<Control name>: Character string
Name of the Edit control, Static Text control or Combo Box control.
<Text>: Character string
Text whose width must be calculated.
<Options>: Optional integer constant
Configures the mode for calculating the width of the text:
tWithMarginAllows you to take into account the margins set for the control (left indentation, right indentation, etc.).
This constant can be combined with the tMultiline constant.
Java This constant is not available.
(default value)
Width of the text in the control.
tMultilineWidth of the text in the control. The maximum width will correspond to the width of the control.
tSingleLineWidth of the text while ignoring the width of the control. This constant is used to get a precision greater than the one given by the tDefault constant.
Clasificación Lógica de negocio / UI: Código UI
Componente: wd300std.dll
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 9
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Última modificación: 20/09/2024

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