Funciones de error de tiempo de ejecución
Las siguientes funciones se utilizan para gestionar errores y excepciones:
| | ErrorChangeParameter | Configures the automatic behavior that will be implemented if an error occurs in the current process. | ErrorInfo | Retrieves information about the last error that occurred in a function of a WINDEV, WINDEV Mobile or WEBDEV component. | ErrorPropagate | Propagates a non-fatal error that can be processed by the calling code if the management of non-fatal errors was enabled for this code (in the code editor or by ErrorChangeParameter). | ErrorReset | Reinicia la detección de errores no fatales: | ErrorRestoreParameter | Restaura el proceso de error de un proceso. | ErrorThrow | Throw a non-fatal error. | ExceptionChangeParameter | Configures the automatic behavior that will be implemented if an exception occurs in the current process. | ExceptionDisplay | Muestra la ventana estándar de excepciones con el contenido de la excepción actual. | ExceptionEnable | Vuelve a habilitar la actual excepción Process si la excepción fue corregida. | ExceptionInfo | Retrieves information about the current exception. | ExceptionPropagate | Propagates an exception. | ExceptionRestoreParameter | Restaura la excepción Process de una Process. | ExceptionThrow | Artificially triggers the security mechanism of WLanguage by throwing an exception. |
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