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Ayuda / WLanguage / Funciones WLanguage / Controles, páginas y ventanas / Funciones de ventanas
  • Title of dialog boxes
  • Title of clipped windows
  • Title presentation
  • Equivalence
  • Minimized window
  • Title display
WindowsLinuxUniversal Windows 10 AppJavaReportes y ConsultasCódigo de Usuario (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Código Navegador
AndroidWidget Android iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac CatalystUniversal Windows 10 App
Procedimientos almacenados
Modifies the title of the current window (known by function CurrentWin).
Reminder: By default, the window title is the one defined in the editor.
// Remplacer le titre de la fenêtre en cours
CurrentTitle(gBackground(LightRed) + gPen(Black) + "Modification d'une fiche client")
// Modifier le titre de la fenêtre en cours
// Ajoute "en cours"
CurrentTitle(EOT + gBackground(LightRed) + gPen(Black) + " en cours")
CurrentTitle(<New window title>)
<New window title>: Character string
New title for the current window.
  • If the EOT constant is specified, the new title will be added to the existing title.
  • The gBackground function can be used in this string to modify the color background, the gPen function to modify the color text, etc.. For more details, see the remarks.

Title of dialog boxes

The windows opened by Warning, Confirm, Dialog, Error, ErrorInfo, Info, OKCancel or YesNo have the same title as the previous window.
To change the title of the next window to open, use NextTitle.

Title of clipped windows

CurrentTitle can also be used to change the title of clipped windows. However, this title is not displayed in the window.
If a clipped skin template was used, the title of the window is displayed in a Static control. The content of this control is ignored by CurrentTitle. It must be modified specifically.
WINDEVReportes y ConsultasCódigo de Usuario (UMC)

Title presentation

The graphic string functions (starting with "g") are used to:
  • add drawings to the title,
  • modify the formatting of title (background color, text color, etc.) with gBackground and gPen.
For example: to change the text color and background color of a title:
CurrentTitle(EOT + gBackground(RGB(0, 255, 255)) + gPen(RGB(255, 0, 0)) + "Test de couleur")
Special case in Windows Vista and 7: Windows that use the "Aero system" style cannot have a graphic title: the graphic part is ignored. If "Aero" is not enabled, the graphic title will be displayed as usual.


The following code:
TitreEnCours(<Nouveau titre de la fenêtre>)

is equivalent to the Title property:
MaFenêtre.Titre = <Nouveau titre de la fenêtre>
WINDEVReportes y ConsultasJavaCódigo de Usuario (UMC)

Minimized window

When a window is minimized, the title of this window is displayed beside the icon in the taskbar.
Universal Windows 10 App

Title display

To display a title, the window must include an Action Bar control.
Clasificación Lógica de negocio / UI: Código UI
Componente: wd290obj.dll
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 9
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Exemplo CurrentTitle
Exemplo CurrentTitle
CurrentTitle(gBackground(LightGreen) + gPen(Black) + "Janela Ensinando ")
//Blog com Video e Exemplo
17 08 2016

Última modificación: 23/03/2024

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