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Procedimientos almacenados
Returns the vertical position of the upper-left corner of a window in relation to the upper-left corner of the screen.
WINDEVJava Windows windows:
Remark: The WinOutYPos function is equivalent to the Y property (<Window>.Y).
AndroidiPhone/iPad There are two cases to consider:
  • Case of maximized moving windows: This position always corresponds to 0.
  • Non-maximized moving windows and popup windows: This position corresponds to property Y.
Novedad versión SaaS
Android This function is now available for Android applications.
iPhone/iPad This function is now available for iPhone/iPad applications.
// Position verticale de la fenêtre "FEN_SaisieClient" par rapport à l'écran
ResPosV = WinOutYPos(FEN_SaisieClient)
<Result> = WinOutYPos([<Window>])
<Result>: Integer
Returns the vertical position or Y-coordinate (in pixels) of the upper-left corner of the window in relation to the upper-left corner of the screen.
AndroidiPhone/iPad If the manipulated window corresponds to a maximized moving window, this position is set to 0.
<Window>: Optional window name
Name or alias of the window to be used. If this parameter is not specified or if it corresponds to an empty string (""), the vertical position of the current window is returned.
Componente: wd300obj.dll
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 9
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Última modificación: 07/06/2024

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