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  • Miscellaneous
  • Printing in an HTML file
  • Printing in PDF
WindowsLinuxJavaReportes y ConsultasCódigo de Usuario (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Código Navegador
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Sends the image to print to the print buffer. The print job is not started (only iEndPrinting can be used to start the print job). The print mode of the image depends on the parameters passed to iPrintImage.
Note: This function must not be used to print the background image of a report.. To define the background image of a report, use the BackgroundImage property. The BackgroundImagePrinted property specifies whether the image should be printed with the report.
Linux Only the images in JPEG format can be printed.
Android We do not recommend that you use images in GIF format (this format is not entirely supported by the Android system).
// Imprime Fleur.JPG ligne 20 mm, colonne 50 mm sans étirement ni réduction
iPrintImage("Fleur.JPG", 20, 50)

Printing an image in a specific area Ocultar los detalles

iPrintImage(<Image name> , <X1> , <Y1> , <X2> , <Y2> [, <Scale>])
<Image name>: Character string or Image variable
  • Name of file containing the image to print. The format of this file must be one of the recognized image formats.
  • Name of Image Memo item.
  • WINDEVWEBDEV - Código ServidorReportes y ConsultasiPhone/iPadCódigo de Usuario (UMC)Ajax Name of a variable of type Image.
Linux This parameter must correspond to an image file in JPEG format.
<X1>: Real
Horizontal coordinate of the upper-left corner of the image position (in millimeters).
Value between 0 and the page width (returned by iPageWidth).
<Y1>: Real
Vertical coordinate of the upper-left corner of the image position (in millimeters).
Value between 0 and the page height (returned by iPageHeight).
<X2>: Real
Horizontal coordinate of the lower-right corner of the border where the image must be printed (in millimeters).
Value between 0 and the page width (returned by iPageWidth).
<Y2>: Real
Vertical coordinate of the lower-right corner of the border where the image must be printed (in millimeters).
Value between 0 and the page height (returned by iPageHeight).
<Scale>: Integer or integer constant (optional)
Configures the scale of zoom performed on the image.
iHomoCenteredDisplayThe image is stretched or reduced to occupy the defined space in an optimal way without being distorted. If is centered in the area defined by <X1>, <Y1>, <X2> and <Y2>.
iHomotheticDisplayThe image is displayed in <X1> <Y1> without being distorted. It occupies either the entire height defined by <X1> and <X2>, or the entire width defined by <Y1> and <Y2>.
(Default value)
The image is displayed in the entire rectangle defined by <X1>, <Y1>, <X2> and <Y2>. The image can be distorted.

Linux This parameter is not supported.

Printing an image at a specific position Ocultar los detalles

iPrintImage(<Image name> , <X1> , <Y1> [, <Scale>])
<Image name>: Character string or Image variable
  • Name of file containing the image to print. The format of this file must be one of the recognized image formats.
  • Name of Image Memo item.
  • WINDEVWEBDEV - Código ServidorReportes y ConsultasiPhone/iPadCódigo de Usuario (UMC)Ajax Name of a variable of type Image.
<X1>: Real
Horizontal coordinate of the upper-left corner of the image position (in millimeters).
Value between 0 and the page width (returned by iPageWidth).
<Y1>: Real
Vertical coordinate of the upper-left corner of the image position (in millimeters).
Value between 0 and the page height (returned by iPageHeight).
<Scale>: Integer or integer constant (optional)
Scale of zoom applied to the image (included between 0 and 999).
If this parameter is not specified or if it is equal to 0, the image is displayed as is in <X1> <Y1> (equivalent to <Scale> = 100).

Printing an image section Ocultar los detalles

iPrintImage(<File name> , <X1> , <Y1> , <X2> , <Y2> , <X3> , <Y3> , <X4> , <Y4> [, <Scale>])
<File name>: Character string
  • Name of file containing the image to print. The format of this file must be one of the recognized image formats.
  • Name of Image Memo item.
  • WINDEVWEBDEV - Código ServidorReportes y ConsultasiPhone/iPadCódigo de Usuario (UMC)Ajax Name of a variable of type Image.
<X1>: Real
Horizontal coordinate of the upper-left corner of the image position (in millimeters).
Value between 0 and the page width (returned by iPageWidth).
<Y1>: Real
Vertical coordinate of the upper-left corner of the image position (in millimeters).
Value between 0 and the page height (returned by iPageHeight).
<X2>: Real
Horizontal coordinate of the lower-right corner of the border where the image must be printed (in millimeters).
Value between 0 and the page width (returned by iPageWidth).
<Y2>: Real
Vertical coordinate of the lower-right corner of the border where the image must be printed (in millimeters).
Value between 0 and the page height (returned by iPageHeight).
<X3>: Real
Horizontal coordinate (column or abscissa) of the top left corner of the part of the image to be printed (in millimeters).
<Y3>: Real
Vertical coordinate (line or ordinate) of the top left corner of the part of the image to be printed (in millimeters).
<X4>: Real
Horizontal coordinate (column or abscissa) of the bottom right-hand corner of the part of the image to be printed (in millimeters).
<Y4>: Real
Vertical coordinate (line or ordinate) of the bottom right-hand corner of the part of the image to be printed (in millimeters).
<Scale>: Integer or integer constant (optional)
Configures the scale of zoom performed on the image.
iHomoCenteredDisplayThe image section is stretched or reduced to occupy the specific area without being distorted. It occupies:
  • or the entire height defined by <X1>and <X2>: the image is centered horizontally.
  • or the entire width defined by <Y1> and <Y2>: the image is centered vertically.
The image is proportionally enlarged if necessary.
iHomotheticDisplayThe image section is displayed in <X1> <Y1> without being distorted. It occupies either the entire height defined by <X1> and <X2>, or the entire width defined by <Y1> and <Y2>. The image is proportionally enlarged if necessary.
(Default value)
The image section (defined by <X3>, <Y3>, <X4> and <Y4>) is displayed in the entire rectangle defined by <X1>, <Y1>, <X2> and <Y2>. The image can be distorted.


  • The origin (0,0) is located in the upper-left corner of the sheet. It takes the physical margins of the printer into account.
  • If the image doesn't fit in the defined zone and if centering was requested (<Scale> = 999), then the centering option is abandoned.
WINDEVReportes y ConsultasCódigo de Usuario (UMC)

Printing in an HTML file

If iPrintImage is used to print an HTML report (created with the report editor), the printed image will be distorted.
WINDEVWEBDEV - Código ServidorReportes y ConsultasiPhone/iPadCódigo de Usuario (UMC)Ajax

Printing in PDF

If only the coordinates of the upper-left corner of the image are specified, the image width depends on the printer DPI.
In PDF printing, the PDF has the same DPI as the current printer: in this case, the width of the image in the PDF will correspond to the width of the image in the preview.
When printing in generic PDF, the PDF and the screen have the same DPI (to avoid depending on a printer). The image may not have the requested width.
It's advisable to specify the coordinates of the bottom right-hand point of the image, to always have the same result (in PDF, generic PDF and whatever the printer's DPI).
Componente: wd300prn.dll
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 9
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Última modificación: 24/09/2024

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